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What Should I Talk About on Facebook Live?

I get this question AAAAAAALLL THE TIME.

What the heck are you supposed to talk about on #FBlive?

I know it can be overwhelming to generate Facebook Live content ideas. So I created a FB Live Creative Content Planner just for you! Changes (opens in a new tab)

I know you might feel like a weirdo going live and sharing information,  or a like fraud who isn’t really an expert. But! I’m here to tell you, you have so much to offer that is sitting right in front of you!

In this video I give you a super clear path to knowing the things to talk about on Facebook Live so that you can use FB Live to build your audience and boost your sales (without being salesy!)

If you prefer to read, I’ve written up some show notes below the video. 

In this video I share 3 ways to come up with Facebook Live content ideas that you can deliver consistently so you can expand your audience and increase your conversion.

Remember! 80% of your content should be value based. Only 20% should be about selling your products or services. The more you can deliver valuable content, the more you will increase your “Like, Know, and Trust” factor.



Start with solving the problems of your target market. Don’t know what their problems are? Try one of these methods…

  • Ask them via email or in a social media post
  • Look at questions that are being asked in Facebook groups
  • Google topics in your space and see what people are asking
  • Online Forums. ( is full of questions)
  • Amazon – Read the description of books in your field
  • Magazine article titles



You know you had questions when you first started your business. Think back to all of the little things that you had to figure out. Make a giant list! Heck, go ahead and schedule them into your Creative and Consistent Facebook Live Content Planner!



Ask yourself, what do you want to know NOW? I’m all about productivity! Learning out loud is my favorite because it allows you to be truly authentic and it empowers your audience! If you are too perfect, it can leave your audience feeling that success is unattainable. Watch the video and see learning out loud in action!



Besides questions asked by your visitors and the problems they would like resolved, there are several other “sources” to generate Facebook Live content ideas:

1.  Tune In To “What’s New”

Since it’s a “live” tool, how about tuning in to the hot happenings and events for brainstorming ideas for Facebook Live topics? It could be specific to your business or industry. Whenever you’re about to launch a new product or service or even about to expand your offerings or maybe even modify something, share it on FB Live! Is there a noteworthy event in your sector? It’s probably an event that has created a storm on all social media platforms, be it Twitter or LinkedIn or Facebook. See where the buzz is and adapt and adopt. If you’ve been wondering how to make Facebook Live more interesting, this is it!

2. Illustrate or Teach Something on FB Live with a Demo

Can’t think of a Facebook Live content idea? Teach a new skill that your target audience will benefit from. Better still, demonstrate it live and illustrate how it can prove to be beneficial. Or pick some of your best products or services and create a demo around them – how and why to use them and what transforming effects can they have?

3. Get a Guest on Board to Share Helpful Tips

Organize an event with a guest speaker who can offer expert guidance on something your viewers have been longing to know about. Or pick one from your customer base – anyone who has used your offerings to their advantage. They can share with the audience their story, how they used your product to build and grow their business, and what tangible results it led to.

Plan Plan!

Now that you are brimming over with ideas, how will you put them into action? Luckily I created  a Creative, Consistent, Live Video Content Planner just for you!

Download it now and Take Your Show on the Road!

Booom! another tool to get you on the way to ROCKIN your live videos.

Learn how to become an influencer with the help of a social media growth strategist and her team of camera confidence experts. Sign up for our Camera Confidence Course or a business growth consultation today!

Molly Mahoney Shimmer and Shine