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6 Keys to Live Streaming For Musicians, Performers and Speakers

6 Keys to Live Streaming For Musicians, Performers and Speakers

6 Keys to Live Streaming For Musicians, Performers and Speakers. With every in live person event now being canceled, it’s vital to have an online presence. From musicians, to speakers, to educators, to athletes, to service professionals… it’s time to GET...


Ghost Light Vocal Jam – Sept. 28th This Open Mic Night at the Chance Theater is taking So-Cal by storm. Singer spots will fill up, so sign up NOW at We will be saving a handful of spots for the door, but only those who...

A Chat with Timothy Hughes

The other night at the Ghost Light Vocal Jam, I pulled aside the kind-hearted headliner, Tim Hughes, for a quick chat. I wanted to learn a little more about his journey into the world of musical theater, so I peppered him with questions right after he took the stage....