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  You might have seen the post on my Instagram feed sharing my new favorite shirt.  I found this shirt a few weeks ago and new I had to have it. So – I’m sharing it with you all! Enjoy! [easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default”...


We have another Masterclass coming Jan. 27th and IT’S A GREAT ONE! Click here to purchase now at the discounted rate. Remember when I shared this post on the 4th of July? I suggested that you learn a great piece of choreography from Will Rogers Follies for...

A Chat with Timothy Hughes

The other night at the Ghost Light Vocal Jam, I pulled aside the kind-hearted headliner, Tim Hughes, for a quick chat. I wanted to learn a little more about his journey into the world of musical theater, so I peppered him with questions right after he took the stage....