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The Music Room School of Performing Arts in Orange just announced that they will be doing Bye Bye Birdie. Yay! Their auditions will be coming up as soon as they finish their current production of Fiddler on the Roof (which is this weekend – here’s info if you want to see it!)

So – I thought we should tackle what to wear to a Bye Bye Birdie audition. When you’ve finished reading this post, you’ll feel more confident in deciding what to wear to an audition for Bye Bye Birdie, and even have a few suggestions to purchase if you can’t find anything in your current closet.

Following the pointers outlined in the first What To Wear Wednesday Post… let’s dive in.

Let’s start with a google image search – I searched for “Bye Bye Birdie Broadway.”

Bye Bye Birdie Broadway Costumes

As you can see from these photos, the show is set in the late 1950’s and the colors are very vibrant. It’s definitely full of life! There are many characters in this show… some older and some younger. Let’s focus on Rosie and Albert for this post. They sit right in the middle age wise.

ROSE “ROSIE” ALVAREZ – Albert’s secretary and long suffering girlfriend

Bye Bye Birdie Audition Outfit


Small disclaimer – I know I have said not to go to an audition in a “costume.” This dress is bordering on costume, but I couldn’t resist. I have a serious love for vintage clothes and I would feel 100% comfortable in a dress like this at any time. If you feel silly wearing a dress like this, I’d suggest going for a pencil skirt and a sweater : )

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ALBERT PETERSON – Conrad Birdie’s manager, who once aspired to be an English teacher.

bye bye birdie mens audition

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PS –  Some of the links listed here are part of the Amazon Affiliate program. We will get a small commission if you purchase these items with no extra cost to you : ) BUT!!! I promise that we are only recommending items that we love. Be sure to read the reviews and check the sizing charts!