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This is me not caring about the super bowl

I’m so so so not a football fan. (I’ll always be a Laker girl at heart, no matter how poorly they are doing – boo hoo!) I’m sure many of you are really into it, and I appreciate the excitement of the crowds and the dedication of the hard working team members.  Aside from the sometimes creative commercials, It’s just not my thing.  When people talk about Richard Sherman, all I can think of is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks.  HOWEVER! This year, you have 2 awesome reasons to tune in…


I mean, seriously. Whether you are a belter, a soprano or a bass… you have to appreciate the talent of Rene Flemming!

bruno-mars_240AND – at half time, THIS GUY will be rocking the stage! Every time I’ve seen Bruno Mars performer, I’ve wanted to get up and cheer. He doesn’t just sing… he gives it FULL OUT! After the lack luster performances at this years Grammy Awards, I’m looking forward to a little good old fashioned Rocking of the Stage!

I loved his quote in this New York Times Article. 

“No matter where I perform, it’s my job to uplift the people,” Mars said. “Whether I’m performing at a graduation party, a wedding, a bar mitzvah, the Grammys or the Super Bowl, I’m going to give it all I got. Whatever happens happens.”

So… what do you think? Will you be watching? Are you watching now? Who are you routing for? And – did you spot some of Broadways faves kicking off the festivities this morning?