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If you are using social media, digital marketing, the “interwebs” for your business, for your mission, for your impact that you’re making on the world, you’ve got to watch this video! I just returned from Speaking at Social Media Marketing World and Social Media Week Austin and I’ve got a whole slew of tips for you that I picked up, so that you can feel like you were “in the room where it happens.” Here are my Top Take Aways from #SMMW20 & #SMWATX




The first thing that I learned is before you go to the event, (we did this for the first time and it worked so well). You want to connect with people before you go. I made sure to do that through LinkedIn!

Just pull up the list of the speakers, send them a little message letting them know that you’re going to be at that event and connect with them. This ended up being something that I totally forgot we had done and I sat down and started talking to Dan Harmon of the Harmon brothers and we went to connect on LinkedIn after chatting for a bit and I was like, Oh my gosh, we’re already connected. Did you add me? Did I add you?  This helps you to make deeper connections when you’re in the room. Also, make sure you have the local connect turned on, so when you’re in the room you can look and see who else is in the room with you!

Next I will share all the awesome tips I learned while sitting and watching my friends speak!


So, the incredible Chris Mercer, spoke about Facebook funnelsI cannot believe I had not heard of this. What is a funnel? Well, a funnel shows where people are coming from; from content, to messenger, to a landing page! Are they converting? And it shows exactly how many people are making it through your funnel! You can set up your funnel in the backside of your FB business manager. Which is so awesome, based on the pixels that you’re setting up. There are a few things you will need to have set up, but we already did, so I just went through on my phone and I was able to do the whole thing while he was speaking. It was pretty dang awesome.


There’s one word that every single speaker spoke about, I mean ALMOST EVERY ONE, and the word was human

When you are creating content, you are connecting with humans. So connect with them. Okay. Don’t get so caught up in all of the stuff that you’re doing and forget about connecting with actual human beings. I know it can be scary, but do it. And if you need help, we have lots of stuff to help you to be able to do that.



Video was another huge thing everyone spoke about. Michael Stelzner had an amazing opening keynote that set up my session perfectly. His whole keynote was about the fact that if you are not using video in your business, your business is going to die. So get on the dang camera and start using video. You can start with stories. You don’t have to start by doing a full  video like this.  Get started though, like yesterday, okay. And then repurpose. You may know that we have an awesome repurposing system. Get more info on that HERE 

Kim Garst had an incredible session about repurposing. Once you take the leap and do a video,  you can then go back and you can start doing all these things: Putting it on YouTube, Facebook group, creating gifs, an Instagram story, blog posts, turn it into an IGTV video, ALL THAT! Kim shared some really awesome tools for this, one of the coolest things that she said that she does is she does re-purposing for her guests. So when she has a guest on, she takes the transcript and she pulls out quotes from her guest and turns it into a little graphic that they can use on their socials. So good. Right? What an awesome way to give back to your community.



What does that even mean, right?!  Well, preeminence happens when you are one of the first to show up to use this specific tool to use a specific platform. This can be scary, I know being an early adopter is something thats touch. I mean, what if you put all this energy into a new platform and it doesn’t work? I’ve heard Gary V say many times that there are some things that he did decide to put energy into that didn’t work, but you’re learning so much when you’re setting that up. Example: TikTok, Even if you don’t actually, move all of your content to TikTok if you focus on learning how to do so, you are learning why it works and understanding the mindset of the people on that platform. It can only benefit you! 


Those are my top take aways from #SMMW20 & #SMWATX  I can not say enough about the awesomeness of these events. Social Media Marketing Week 2020 was put on by Social Media Examiner and #Social Media Week Austin, TX was hosted by the amazing Claire Winslow. (Claire is another good friend of mine who owns Best Practice Media.) Soooo many members of the GLAM fam were there as well, which was really, really fun. I have to shout out to my girl Rachel Peterson, she had 800 people RSVP to her talk at Social Media Marketing World! That is Cockoo! It’s because she made the choice and she decided to show up and get started. It doesn’t happen if you sit around and wait, you’ve got to get started.

If YOU are looking for more support,  we would love to support you to show up, to go live and monetize in our GLAM program. So reach out to us HERE for more info on our incredible GLAM program,  and I will reach out to you as an actual human!


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