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Molly Mahoney: Today we are joined by Todd Herman, I’m so honored to call him my friend, to have him as my productivity mentor, and here’s a little more about him. He is the creator of the 90 Day Year program, a high-performance achievement system used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and companies around the world, and twice recognized as being the world’s top leadership and skill development program by the Stevie Awards. He’s also a founder of The Peak Athlete, a mental toughness training and sports research company advising pro Olympic athletes for over 20 years.

Todd is also the author of the upcoming coming book, The Alter Ego Effect, which I am so jazzed to get my hands on, because this alter ego effect is something that we actually have worked on together in the 90 Day Year. It is something that I use every day, and I have been using something similar to this with my performers when I was a performance coach solely for musical theater performers, in addition to being a performance coach like I am now for people like you who are here using video. So awesome. Maybe I’ll share a little bit about that alter ego effect. This is the power of secret identities to change your life. It’s a super cool technique that he uses. He lives in New York City with his wife, his two little girls, and baby boy. One of his daughters is named Molly, which I think is so fun, too. Okay. So that is Todd Herman who’s going to be joining us in just a little bit.

And we are going to be talking about goal flopping mistakes!

Todd Herman: Hello, gang. I don’t know if you guys can all hear me. If not, I’m going to throw the question out to people about what is your level of confidence, scale of 1 to 10, on your ability to hit the goals that you have for yourself? Just so we can kind of get some ideas.

Todd Herman: Hey, Isa.

Look at that. And isn’t it awesome that Isa’s here? I love it. So good. Okay, so competence on a scale of 1 to 10. Oo, I like it. Okay, we got a five. We have a seven. Evelyn has a seven. Karen has a five. Vaughn, who’s an amazing musician and does my podcast, he says a four. Honestly, we’re gonna kick Vaughn’s butt today, okay Todd. Leslie says eight. My sister’s here, Mary Pendleton, says 7.5.

Todd Herman: Great.

Molly Mahoney: Oo, Joseph says a nine.

Todd Herman: So we’re gonna take those numbers, and then I’m gonna loop back to you guys later and ask the question in a slightly different way and see if the numbers change.

Molly Mahoney: I love it. If you guys, hopefully you heard my little intro of Todd earlier today, I am so grateful to him. I was sharing with them about the creepy, scary mistakes that I made recently that you helped me so much with when had that mastermind down in San Diego.

Todd Herman: Oh yeah.

Molly Mahoney: I was just about to admit to them … so I’ll just admit this really quickly, and then I can’t wait to dive into this. But, recently, I made the mistake of accepting three more clients than we were actually able to handle, which I knew it was not gonna be totally possible, and I get so optimistic, and think that I’m a super human, and going back to the system that you’ve so brilliantly taught me, like if I had actually looked what would fit in the day, it wasn’t really possible, and you were so brilliant in helping me to realize how to fix that. We are back on track, and rocking and rolling, and I’m just so grateful for all the advice that you [inaudible 00:10:12].

Todd Herman: I’d love to know what brilliance I passed your way at some-

Molly Mahoney: So the brilliance was … my mind, I was thinking, and if you’ve been in a place like this, I was sharing this earlier, or maybe you’re in this place right now. I like to be transparent about the fact that even as we have success we’re gonna run into these things at each different level of business.

Todd Herman: Yeah.

Molly Mahoney: Right?

Todd Herman: Yeah.

Molly Mahoney: So, you, I was thinking the main thing that we needed more team, so we were really working hard to hire this executive assistant, which we have now and is amazing, but the real thing that we needed, do you remember?

Todd Herman: Yeah, you needed a project manager.

Molly Mahoney: Yes.

Todd Herman: Yeah.

Molly Mahoney: And you literally were like, “Molly, okay, you just need a …” It was like so simple, because that’s what I love that you do. You make everything so simple. It’s awesome.

Todd Herman: Well, it’s cost me a lot of money to get to the point of making things simple, so.

Molly Mahoney: I love it. Yes, and Anitra says she’s overbooked of time, and my sister says, “The curse of optimism.” It has goods and bads.

Todd Herman: That’s a great way of putting it.

Molly Mahoney: I know. So comment below with the word TODD if you have no idea what I’m talking about, and you’ll get access to this awesome 90 Day Year download, and a video series that we are going through as a group, which is so cool. We’ll send it to you via messenger, and then Todd, I’m ready to dive in to these five goal flopping mistakes.

Todd Herman: Okay.

Molly Mahoney: Let’s see if everybody can share this, because they can prevent their friends from making these mistakes.

Todd Herman: All right. We’re going to talk about goals in the context of business, though, okay.

Molly Mahoney: Oh, yeah. Thank you for clarifying. Yeah.

Todd Herman: And so biggest mistake number one is thinking that you have a lot of goals.

Molly Mahoney: Yes, I love it!

Todd Herman: There aren’t that many goals in business, if you really kind of think … and that’s because most people are thinking that “Oh, a goal of mine is to launch my website, and a goal of mine is to start a mastermind, or a goal of mine is to open up my retail store, and a goal of mine is to launch my clothing line, and a goal of mine is to open up an Instagram account, start getting followers there.” No, no, no. Most of these things that people talk about as goals are projects. They aren’t goals. Goals are, in business, there’s not that many that you could ever have, because most things fundamentally lead towards making sales and revenue. So, especially when you’re starting out in business, and really until you’ve gotten to probably the 5 or 10 million dollar mark, most of your goals are always going to be leaning towards either making more money, making more sales, decreasing costs, or any of the kind of like increasing profitability. So, you really only have … most of you only should have one goal, and that is make sales, or make revenue, or make more profit. All those other things are projects that you’re doing to try to hit that goal, or it’s the strategy that you’re using. So, mistake number one is thinking that, “Oh my god. I’ve got so many goals.” No you don’t. I’m telling you that you really only have one or two.

Molly Mahoney: So true, and I love that a lot of time you use the word … like I know you call it an outcome goal, but I also love the word objective. Like what’s your real, main, singular objective? Like as a performer, we call it a super objective. If through a whole show there’s like one main thing that every single thing that happens is leading up to, and I know … Okay, so there’s people are saying, “Bingo!” “Yes.” So let us know what you think about this. Is that, and have you been guilty of having too many goals, right?

Todd Herman: Yeah.

Molly Mahoney: That’s the priorities thing, too, right. I love your theory about priorities.

Todd Herman: Well, this is a great thing for you and I to talk about because you have the prepared performer, and I’ve been in the … like obviously helped people with performance for a long time. I work with people on high performance, and high performance has nothing to do with adding more, and so this would go to … one and two kind of go together, so the second mistake that people make is too much. So they have too many goals that they’re working on.

Molly Mahoney: Oh, wait. Hold on. The first mistake I wrote too many goals, so I need to write it [inaudible 00:14:28].

Todd Herman: Well, no, that’s okay. We can add in a bonus mistake there, so we’ll just stick with the too many goals thing. Fundamentally, I mean, everyone here wants to be a high performer, not because you want to call yourself a high performer. I don’t think anyway. I think it’s because you know what the promise is that’s sitting on the other side, which is whatever magic is that you’ve got, whatever ambitions are that you have, truly end up showing up on to your field of play without causing tremendous amounts of stress, tremendous amounts of fatigue, and all that, and that’s because high performers have a great way of stripping away. They don’t add … I’m not here to add more to your backpack, everybody, because all of us are climbing up mountains. We’re all achievers, we’re all ambitious. We’re all climbing up mountains, and most people want to hand you, “Oh, why don’t you just throw this thing over your shoulder, and carry this big wagon up the hill, too, with rocks on it?” And I’m here throwing stuff off saying, “No. Less, less, less, less. Focus.”

Molly Mahoney: It’s like too many tools, also, right?

Todd Herman: Yeah, exactly, right. I mean, when you’re starting a business and you’ve got all these other technology systems that you’re using, that’s just bloating it up. That’s like adding more and more rocks to your thing, so that’s a huge mistake. Performance, working on one goal. You talked about basically the over arching objective. Or is that what you used? The over arching?

Molly Mahoney: Yeah, or super objective. Same thing.

Todd Herman: The super objective. For us, in the idea world, we’ve got the super goal. What is that one goal that we’re all working towards?

Molly Mahoney: Yeah.

Todd Herman: So I think the second mistake that people make is waiting for the perfect time to start.

Todd Herman: Mistake that people make is waiting for the perfect time to start. And this gets down to many different reasons, perfectionism, people wanting to get all of the information before they started. And the former general Colin Powell had a great framework for when he was making big decision, and I mean he’s making life and death decisions in the army and the military, right? And his framework was I want to get about 30% to 70% of the information, ’cause anything beyond that, getting that final 30% of the information that I need before I make a decision is going to take so much time that by the time I actually make the decision, the complete game plan will have changed, the complete landscape of the war might have changed, or the complete situation might have changed, right? So if you’re waiting-

Molly Mahoney: Those 30% will be different by then. It’s like, if you look at it in chunks, right? That’s so good.

Todd Herman: Yeah. And think about business. Business is moving at such a rapid pace of change right now. That if you’re thinking about starting an eCommerce business right now and you’re doing all your research and you’re trying to like tighten all your screws and dial in all your nuts before you end up starting, the complete landscape of Amazon might have changed in that time period of six months. Or there’s the Walmart platform, or there’s just how traffic is purchased off of Facebook. And if you put together a Facebook ads campaign that you were thinking about when you do launch, that was created on information from five months ago, Facebook’s changed from five months ago.

Molly Mahoney: From like yesterday, right?

Todd Herman: So the mindset to be into in this world is be the mad scientist in the lab, test, get out there. Always look for answers. And again what you’re doing is you’re building up a phenomenal skillset for yourself more than anything else, and you’re acquiring new knowledge and wisdom. Information is useless. It’s only until you apply it. ‘Cause in the world of business and entrepreneurship, the people who win are the ones who are out there on the field, not the ones who are in there, you know, thinking about all these great ideas on what to start. So that’s mistake number two, is the classic, waiting for the perfect time to start.

Molly Mahoney: I love it. So that’s one that I actually feel like it’s my superpower, because I’ll start sometimes before the sentence is finished, right? Which I think has been so great, and I love that you’re sharing all this. Because for those of us who are like starters, then the problem is we start too many things quickly, you know, like those two first work really well hand-in-hand together to counter each other out in a crazy way, so …

Todd Herman: And it’s one of the biggest myths in the creative space that people talk about, which is, they say, “I am a creative.” So that means that I have all these ideas. And when you take a look at the most successful creatives, whether it’s in photography or painting, or sculpting, or in marketing, or whatever field you want to go into, none of them would describe themselves that way. They would all describe themselves as someone who finished what they also started. Like going into someone … You’re never going to see a successful artist that has 9000 incomplete paintings and not one out there in the market place, that no one that has ever existed that does that. So you do have people like Pablo Picasso or people that have been successful in the art world that do have a bunch of unfinished works. But sometimes their unfinished works were there to inform the finished work as well.

Todd Herman: So yeah, the third thing is not working on your goal every single day.

Molly Mahoney: Yes.

Todd Herman: There is a momentum that happens, there is context switching cost that happens if you’re not working on the progression towards the goal every single day, whether that’s five minutes, or 10 minutes or three hours worth of work, keeping you in touch with that goal every single day is important to create a feedback loop of progress for you, because the demons of self-doubt always show up when there is no movement. And here is the thing, doubt if you were to put it in physical form is basically an 85-year-old man with a walker. He can’t keep up with you when you’re moving, that’s what doubt it.

Todd Herman: The reason that doubt shows up when you’re sitting stagnant on the couch is because he’s got a walker, that’s where he loves to sit and cuddle up next to you when you’re not doing anything. But when you’re moving forward, that demon of doubt just can’t keep up with you. So that’s why moving on things every single day, whether it’s five minutes, 15 minutes, three hours is really, really important. So make sure that whatever that goal is that you’re working towards shows up on your calender every single day.

Molly Mahoney: You know, this actually plays well into, I had asked her some questions ahead of time, and there was an awesome question from Linda that came in that said, she thinks that she is addicted to starting new projects, because she uses that as a way to avoid working on her goal every day. Though it’s funny that sometimes we can trick ourselves into thinking that we’re in action because we’re working, but I love the way that the planner and then I need a year of structure so that you can see like what is your outcome goal? What is your objective? And making sure that no matter what’s happening in your day, that some of your day is going toward that goal.

Todd Herman: Yeah, and sorry, who just said …? Was that Linda that you just said?

Molly Mahoney: Linda, yeah.

Todd Herman: And so I mean, here’s the great thing, Linda, you’re not a special snowflake. Your experience is not unlike many people’s experience. A lot of people will work on busy things. And by the way, just so you know, it’s actually a common experience amongst women especially. Women have a skillset of being very, very good at working on tasks and process-based thinking, you know, the to-do list mentality. Women are naturally actually better at it than men are. The problem that females have is that they don’t roll that to do list up to a major objective that they’re truly trying to work towards.

Todd Herman: And so just being mindful of the fact that whatever activities that are showing up on your calendar every single day, and we talk about this incessantly inside the 90 Day Year. Are they stacking towards that one goal? ‘Cause when you start to do that, all that activity starts to produce a measurable result for you, instead of just feeling like you’re just really busy all the time.

Molly Mahoney: And you start to learn what is a good thing to do. Like Kim was saying that she did a sale every day last month, but her results didn’t change. Like she went live and did a sale, and I was like then after two weeks we should have stopped doing those sales and started changed it.

Todd Herman: Yeah. Well exactly. And it’s not, “Oh my god! I didn’t get any sales, and I’m terrible at business.” It’s like instead if you have that mindset of a mad scientist in the lab, remember you’re pouring portions together, and that’s what we’re all doing in business, we’re trying to figure out what’s working. And you go, “Oh, that’s fascinating. That combination didn’t work. That combination of headline message offer didn’t work. Let’s try something else. Or that combination of audience niche offer didn’t work together, let’s try something else. You know, that’s how you want to be approaching it so that you don’t sit there and beat yourself up and point a finger at yourself and say, “Well, I’m stupid and I can’t do this entrepreneurial thing.” No, no, no, we all start somewhere. I mean, I made a boat load of mistakes early on, but I didn’t sit there and pile them on top of my head as if they were a heavy weight. I stacked them up in front of me and used them as stepping stones to get to the next thing, okay? And so I’m like, “Oh!” Boom!

Todd Herman: And then, the fourth mistake is not being flexible towards the working of your goal. So like I said, I mean, I don’t think actually many of you could have any struggles with setting out what your goal is, I think fundamentally you all have this innate knowing of what your goal should be, so spending money on someone teaching you how to set a goal is like wasted money. Go and google it, I mean all that information is out there. What we strive to do is give you a system of achievement, not a way to set something, because there is no value in that for me. I’m more concerned about the result that we get.

Todd Herman: But as you move towards your goal and this is kind of what we’re talking about with the mad scientist thing, be flexible and adaptable with how you achieve it. So you were referencing before that whole outcome goal thing, and so right now, a video that we’ve got out there is what I call the OPP framework, the outcome performance, and then process space framework.

Molly Mahoney: And if you want access to that just comment below with the word TODD, they will send you a message. They will send you a download. After you get the download you’ll be able to get the whole video series which is available till June 18th, is that right?

Todd Herman: 16th I think it is, yeah.

Molly Mahoney: Okay, perfect. Around there. You’ll have it for a few days. So go watch it now.

Todd Herman: You’re all prepped and ready to go, comment with the word TODD. And so anyways, but if you think about achieving a goal in the shape of a mountain. So at the very top is where you want to plant the flag and I achieved climbing the mountain and I won. That’s the outcome goal itself. That could be hitting your sales target in the next 90 days of $25000 or … depending on the size of your business. Whatever that outcome goal is. So that’s giving you the direction of where you’re trying to go to.

Todd Herman: Then below that are going to be the strategies, the projects, the skills that you develop, and then the way that you go about achieving it with the daily activities, and the process and the tasks of achieving those projects.

Todd Herman: What most people do is they decide, I’m going to blow up my audience on Instagram, and that’s going to be how I grow my business, because Molly Mahoney does Instagram and she’s amazing on Instagram, so I’m going to do it too. And she talked about how she’s doing $80000 a month in her business. And they make these whitewashing mistakes in saying, well $80000 that is coming from Instagram.

Todd Herman: But anyway, so you get started and you work on the project on Instagram and you’re not getting any traction. What most do is they go, “I’m going to be firm and fix on making that thing happen for me.” And no, be flexible and adaptable with achieving your goal. Don’t give up the goal of what you want, which is 12000 a month or 25000 in the quarter, whatever the case is. But be flexible and adaptable to how you get there. Right? Any athlete that goes on to a field, we all go on with a game plan. But often times after the tough play, if it’s football or whatever, that game plan gets a bit thrown out of the window and now we have to be flexible and adaptable because maybe the defense is giving us something different.

Todd Herman: Maybe there’s shift that happened in the economy and no longer are people even wanting what you have, so you need to be flexible and adaptable with it. So that’s the fourth mistake, is not being flexible with the way you go after that. And actually that maps directly to mental toughness. Mental toughness ’cause people ask me, what does that mean? Mental toughness is literally your ability to be flexible and adaptable despite what the world around you and your circumstances are giving you.

Molly Mahoney: So good. Okay, now I love that, because a lot of people I think would think that being flexible like that would actually be, could be construed as being like weak or, you know? Like oh! I’m not committing, but no, that’s like where the magic happens, right? That’s where the dance happens, that’s where … I love the mad scientist thing too.

Todd Herman: Yeah, we all get these great ideas for strategies of how like so someone gives me an idea, “Hey, this is the strategy that I used.” And immediately, because I know about conformation bias and all these different things. I’m like, “Okay, so it works for Molly.” And I’m interested whether it will work for me. And I’m going to commit 100% to making it work, or testing it out there, not making it work. Testing it and see if it does. And it’s like, “Oh! Actually we did get some good results, maybe not quite as good as Molly, but I’m going to test this some more, and test this some more, and test this some more. So that it is, just having that testing mind. So again, mad scientist in the lab, being flexible and adaptable, so that we can help get you to that final goal.

Todd Herman: Now, the fifth mistake-

Molly Mahoney: Wait, before we get to number five. I want to check in, because we have so many people who are here, which is awesome. I love that Tom Birchall is here who’s from Canada as well. Which is amazing. For some reason, when Tom messaged me about this show earlier today, and I was thinking that Tom had gone to high school with you, but it wasn’t Tom, it was Jay [Fizzet 00:28:55], remember Jay-

Todd Herman: Yes, I know Jay really well. We went to the same high school, we didn’t go to high school together. And in fact what’s crazy about Jay is we only met recently. He also grew up like on a farm miles away from my house, like it’s such a funny world. Because I grew up in the middle of nowhere.

Molly Mahoney: Okay, so and Brandy is here. She said, “Shared this. People need to hear this.” Lisel said, “I love it so I shared it.” Bella says, “I just shared this out to my peeps Molly.” I love it you guys, thank you so much for sharing. Remember if you comment with Todd. Like the most, our camp fam Shari Roberts did Todd will be sent a message that will ask you to reply with the word Todd. We’ll get you access to this 90 Day Year free download and training that’s going on right now, video two. We watched actually Todd as a group yesterday in my Facebook group. We did a watch party with your video. And watched that together, which was super cool. And then when you said that women think differently than men, I was like, “Don’t worry, he’s going to talk about the way men think too.”

Todd Herman: That’s right, that’s right. It’s not about calling people, it’s not about sexism or anything like that, right? There’s certain nuances that people have. Now, do you know what area of New York I filmed some of the outside shots in, Molly?

Molly Mahoney: I would say Upper West Side.

Todd Herman: No.

Molly Mahoney: Oh no! I do know, it’s down by Chelsea.

Todd Herman: Yes.

Molly Mahoney: Like down, right? You did some of those down there, right? It wasn’t down by … Like on the … And for those of you that don’t know. I loved in New York for eight years, so every time I-

Todd Herman: Flatiron, it was the Flatiron Building.

Molly Mahoney:  Like by the Flatiron. It’s close to Chelsea, almost.

Todd Herman: Yes, yeah, yeah. It’s in the same vicinity there.

Molly Mahoney: I think I just … in Upper West Side ’cause that’s where I used to live.

Todd Herman: Okay. So the fifth one.

Molly Mahoney: Yeah. Are we ready? Oh! And before we show the fifth one, what I wanted to say to everybody is if you’re watching this right now thank you for sharing. I’m so glad you commented with Todd to get access to that awesome training, and I want to know what your biggest takeaways are. So Todd, you want to know what I’m going to do?

Todd Herman: Do it.

Molly Mahoney: Okay, I’m going to give away a selfie light. Do you know what a selfie light is?

Todd Herman: No.

Molly Mahoney: You don’t know? I’m going to go grab it really quick. I know, hold on. It’s not far. I’ll show you.

Todd Herman: What I love, Molly, is of course you’re in shinny sparkly stretch pants.

Molly Mahoney: No, wait, they’re like Amazing. They are really amazing pants actually.

Todd Herman: Those are amazing. Those are amazing.

Molly Mahoney: I’m in Vegas. So this is a selfie light. You clip it on your phone or your computer. Mine died cause I used at event yesterday and I forgot to charge it. So we’re going to give one away and this is what we do. People if you’re watching, this is what we do here Todd, where people comment below, thank you Holly for being an amazing example as a [Mollstar 00:31:39]. They comment below with the #nugget and with their biggest takeaway from this training, and then they’ll be entered to win a selfie light.

Molly Mahoney: So Holly, Holly I’ll send you a dancing robot as a bonus. I have these little dancing robots that are like messenger bots that dance, Holly, because she jumped in, Holly is going to get a dancing robot too.

Molly Mahoney: Holly, email me @molly, Holly and Molly @thepreparedperformer

Molly Mahoney: -email me at Molly, Holly and Molly with your address and I’m gonna send you a dancing robot. Okay, we’re gonna do the selfie right at the end, so [inaudible 00:32:09] as we go. Alright Todd.

Todd Herman: Alright. Mistake number five is when, and it’s not that it’s the biggest, but it’s a big one is people forgetting to celebrate their past successes and whatever successes they get with achieving the goal. For me, the way that you should be recording the successes is I think everyone should have a journal, a notebook, anything, with a list of all of the little, whether they’re mini goals or things that you’ve achieved over the course of your life.

Todd Herman: I learned this from the CEO of Levi Jeans, I read it in one of his biographies. He talked about how he had a book sitting on his desk that he always kept there, and any time he was feeling challenged because of a major decision, and there was one in particular that he was talking about when they were going into the Chinese marketplace, and he was concerned that they weren’t going to be able to make it work there, it was a different audience, were they going to buy Levi Jeans, the whole red tab idea was something that was seeped in American heritage but wasn’t as big over there and he picked up that book, and he leafed through it, and he broke down his life into one to three, four to six, seven to nine, three year spans, and he just reflected on his life. He’s like, you know, what were the wins and the goals, and the things that I developed and won by the times I was three years of age? I learned how to walk, I learned how to talk, I learned how to eat at the table like an adult.

Todd Herman: We laugh about that, but me having three little kids under the age of five, it takes a lot of time, energy, practice to learn how to walk, you know, and those things are all wins. So having a win book for you of all the wins that you’ve got so that you can open it up and go you know what, whatever thing I’m staring at, I’ll figure it out. I’ll make it happen. It might not look the way that I had it planned, but I’ll make it happen.

Todd Herman: And then when you do achieve your goals, make sure that you put those wins in there, big, small, whatever. Like completing a project, getting something new launched, getting your first 1000 followers on YouTube or subscribers on YouTube, or doing your first BeLive when you’ve sat there nine times with your finger overtop of the button, wanting to hit the button but then not hitting the button, and finally you do that. Those are all little wins for people, and they might mean something to you more than they mean something to me, but having a win book is, I think, an important part of the process because at the end of the day, again like I said before, achievers, people who are ambitious, we all try to do hard things and it’s not easy, but nothing in life that’s worth anything is never easy. So that win book I think is an important part of the process for people.

Molly Mahoney: Man, I think that’s my favorite because I’m so obsessed with, you know, I call it standing for joy and finding those things that are, there’s so many positives around us and it’s so easy for us to get stuck in what’s not working.

Todd Herman: Yeah.

Molly Mahoney: And I think a lot of people think that I … My whole life I’ve been made fun of for being optimistic, like I shared earlier that that gets me into trouble sometimes. But for me still, even, a couple of days ago, I can’t remember exactly all the things that happened, but in my business, The Prepared Performer we had huge wins, like crazy huge wins, and one thing happened where someone, when I had made that choice to take on too many clients at the time, I should have said, “We’re not ready to take you, we can take you on in a couple of weeks,” that’s all it would have taken. There was a really amazing lead that had reached out and said I’m willing to pay you right now. I didn’t get back to him in time and we messaged him this week and he was like “Honestly, I was ready to pay you a month and a half ago and you never responded to me, I don’t think you’ve got what it takes.” It was this kind of rude email, and everything in my being was like uuugh! I was so mad.

Molly Mahoney: And then I stopped, and I was like “Hold up Mahoney!”  These amazing things have happened today. Why do we let us do that to ourselves, you know? So even for someone like me who is more attuned to the positive, I think it’s so important to have somebody like you in my life to remind me of these things, ’cause these are … A lot of these mistakes are things we are all going to fall back into.

Todd Herman: Yeah, yeah. Awesome. So, those are our five mistakes, five tips, whatever someone wants to call it.

Molly Mahoney: I love it! We got so many wins here. I love it, the win book, people are loving it. Don’t wait to start and work daily even 10 minutes towards a goal, right, just that little thing.

Molly Mahoney: Somebody just started their win book; the Gladitude book Kim said is what she uses for her wins. Another nugget that somebody loved was 30% to 70% of the info and move forward. Don’t wait for 100%, ’cause then it may be too late. So many good things!

Molly Mahoney: Okay, so Todd, can we … I have one last thing I’d like to do-

Todd Herman: Let’s do it.

Molly Mahoney: Before we choose our selfie [inaudible 00:37:08], which is, we have these five tips and I have them all written out in order. I like to do this thing called a speedy recap where we like … I also just wanna say Todd, can we all give Todd some likes and some hearts, because-

Todd Herman: Oh, you’re a peach Molly.

Molly Mahoney: Because I know some of you are used to my crazy and you’re watching Todd’s videos and you’re like “This guys is like serious, and he has his plans and his systems,” and I want you to know that there’s this awesome, fun, soft side of Todd too, even though I know he thinks I’m crazy.

Todd Herman: Shhhh! No, there’s zero soft side to me whatsoever.

Molly Mahoney: Just kidding. So, and Marilyn Alauria was my accountability partner in the program.

Todd Herman: She’s a sweetheart.

Molly Mahoney: She’s one of our clients now, which is so cool, so we’re working with her all the time and building bots for her and all this, and she was like, “Molly, I have to tell you, when we were at our first 90 Day Year event in Vegas I was doing nothing but looking straight at Todd’s face, watching Todd go “what the heck is happening, who is this?””

Todd Herman: I was thinking … I’m sure there’s times where I was … No, I wasn’t thinking anything other than the fact that I love your energy actually, more than anything else.

Molly Mahoney: Thank you.

Todd Herman: Yeah.

Molly Mahoney: I’m just glad that you … I shared with everyone some of the things that I’ve asked you along the past few years and you’ve been like … The simplest answer ever. You’ve been really helpful, but I just want to thank you for your ability to give the information [inaudible 00:38:53] as it is, but not dim that energy, because I think there’s some other people who are here that are like [inaudible 00:38:59] place, and we have been told that our energy is like, been made to feel bad about it, and I want [inaudible 00:39:07] we’re like celebrating it.

Todd Herman: Yeah, not at all, not at all. It’s all good.

Molly Mahoney: So with that, would you like to do a speedy recap, or would you like to watch me do it?

Todd Herman: I wanna see you, I need to know what this thing is.

Molly Mahoney: Okay. I tried to get Joey Vitale, my lawyer friend who came on to do the [inaudible 00:39:22], and I was like “Joey, you are gonna do a speedy recap,” and he was like “No I’m not, I’m watching you do it.”

Molly Mahoney: Okay, so I’ll do it. Are you ready?

Molly Mahoney: If you’re ready for a speedy recap, comment below with the words ‘speedy recap.’ This is a great way for the people who clip our videos into smaller segments, they can clip this into just one little video that shares all the main goodness from the video today.

Todd Herman: Cool.

Molly Mahoney: When you do comment below with the word Todd, like I said you’re gonna get access to Todd’s download, and the video series. And I’m actually, Todd, I’m gonna transcribe this entire video, have it transcribed and put it on our blog, so we’ll have a full blog post of this video that we did today, which will be super cool. So I’ll make sure you guys get that too.

Todd Herman: [inaudible 00:40:05].

Molly Mahoney: Super cool. Okay, are you ready?

Todd Herman: So, I’m getting that the speedy recap is basically you just reading off the five things really, really fast, right?

Molly Mahoney: Yeah, and then I fill in little bits of like “remember, da da da da da,” and read the five things off. I mean-

Todd Herman: Okay.

Molly Mahoney: Do you wanna do it? I think we should-

Todd Herman: I’ll do the first one and the fifth one, you do two, three, and four.

Molly Mahoney: Okay, perfect.

Todd Herman: Okay? So I’ll bookend, you do the middle.

Molly Mahoney: I love it. And so since you’re gonna start it can you also give us a little intro to what we’re talking about and then go into the first one and then I’ll go from there?

Todd Herman: Great. Okay.

Molly Mahoney: Yeah.

Todd Herman: Alright everyone. We’re talking about the five mistakes most entrepreneurs make on their pursuit towards the goals that they have. Tip number one, mistake number one, having too many goals. There are really only a few, a handful of goals you could ever have in business. Most things always roll down to the numbers in your business, the revenue that you want, the cost that you’re trying to cut, the profit you’re trying to make. There’s only a few goals. Only have one goal. One goal for your 90 days, one goal.

Todd Herman: Tip number two … Molly take it away.

Molly Mahoney: Tip number two is waiting for the perfect time to start. So you may be someone who’s like oh, but I need to know this, and I need to know this, and I need to do this, or I have to get all this information before I can actually start. Crazy thing is, by the time you actually start the things that you had learned before have actually changed, so now you’re too late. So you have to start so that you can learn how to move forward

Molly Mahoney: Uh, housekeeper coming into our hotel room.

Molly Mahoney: You wanna make sure that you can, you implement right away. Action on the field of play is where you’re gonna make these major shifts and differences in your business. And really [inaudible 00:41:40].

Todd Herman: Tip number three. Tip number three is not working on your goals every single day. There’s a feedback loop that gets closed every single day, it shows progress towards it, it fuels you with more confidence and momentum as you move forward. Don’t wait on your goal even if it’s 10 minutes, work on that thing every single day.

Molly Mahoney: Every single day.

Molly Mahoney: Tip number four, not being flexible. So this has to do with mental toughness. You have to know that you’re working towards that outcome goal, but as you’re going there the projects may change. You may try a project for two weeks and realize, you know, there’s some tweaks I need to make. Tweak it a little bit, if it’s not working then you might need to do a different type of project, different type of process to get in place to be able to get that thing achieved. You wanna be flexible, that’s how you dance with the whole thing. Todd, if you wanna add anything to being flexible you can do that too before we do number five.

Todd Herman: That’s where mental toughness sits. The more flexible and adaptable you are, it’s hard to stop you.

Molly Mahoney: And tip number five.

Todd Herman: Number five is celebrate your successes, catalog them. Have a win book. Go through your entire history of your time that you’ve had on this planet and log all those little wins that you’ve had over time. Even if it’s something small, the very first time you did your BeLive, the very first time you hit 1000 subscribers on YouTube, or the first time you got your first subscriber on your email list, or the first sale that you made at your retail store. Catalog those wins, it stacks up, and then you can open up that book at any point in time and go, you know what, this thing that I’ve got resistance against right now is not going to stop me, because I win.

Molly Mahoney: I win. So if you can see how these five mistakes are something that you can be aware of, avoid of … avoid of, that’s not a word. Avoid, and when you make it you’re gonna dance with them and realize it’s not that you’re a failure, it’s not that you’ve done something wrong, it’s that wow, I made this mistake, and that’s how I learned. And, know that you can turn to somebody like Todd who has made all the mistakes for us ahead of time so that he could figure them out, and has also worked with … Todd, can you just shout out some of the people you’ve worked with, ’cause you’ve worked with some pretty amazing people, before we go [inaudible 00:43:25].

Todd Herman: Yeah, I mean pro athletes in the NBA, the NFL, NHL, I’ve worked with over 111 Olympic athletes, big time entrepreneurs, Spanish Royal family. But at the end of the day, you work with all these different people and everyone is pretty much the same, ambitious, achievers, those are the people I like working with.

Molly Mahoney: I love it. How awesome was this. Thank you so much Todd. We have so many nuggets that people are writing down here. I’m gonna be putting together a blog post about this as well that I will send to you when you comment below with the word Todd.

Todd Herman: Cool.

Molly Mahoney: The next video comes out tomorrow, is that true?

Todd Herman: Yes it does. Next video is tomorrow.

Molly Mahoney: [crosstalk 00:44:03] I love it. So the next video comes out tomorrow. Head over to my business page also, because I’m giving away a giant ring light for those of you who go through the series with us. We have five separate posts that you’re gonna have to comment on in order to be entered to win that ring light. Let’s give one giant, amazing firework show for Todd. Todd, do you know what a firework show is?

Todd Herman: I’m thinking it’s going to be tapping like or love, or whatever the case is.

Molly Mahoney: Yeah! Okay Todd, we’re gonna pick the winner. Are you ready?

Todd Herman: Let’s do it.

Molly Mahoney: [inaudible 00:44:32]. Here it is! Oh my gosh. I don’t know if that’s … This is who it ended up being but she actually already won the dancing robot also, but I think we should just do it. Holly, you are like the winner winner chicken dinner today. So, Holly wins a dancing robot and a selfie light, which is super cool. I’m gonna pick one more just for fun, and it’s gonna … It was Holly again. Holly, you are … You know what Kim, I’m gonna pick you, because Kim, I know you have entered this forever. So Holly and Kim are both getting selfie lights. Okay.

Todd Herman: Brilliant.

Molly Mahoney: Todd, thank you so much. Thanks to BeLive TV. Do you love BeLive TV?

Todd Herman: It’s great. It’s an awesome platform. I use it all the time too.

Molly Mahoney: It’s so cool, I love it! We love being here with BeLive TV. If you’ve never used it before make sure to comment below with the word new, we will get you a free trial. Someone will reach out to you and get you that free trial of BeLive TV so that you can do cool things like this. And we’ll see you in the 90 Day Year when we jump into this next video tomorrow. So it has been my absolute pleasure to be here with you Todd, [inaudible 00:45:26]

Todd Herman: Thanks Molly.

Molly Mahoney: For everyone else, I love being able to help you to unlock your inner awesome and elevate it with the magic of Facebook live and getting your goal in gear. So good. Okay. Bye.

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