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Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to sell? This magical thought is not too far off with Robert Cialdini’s latest book: The Art of Pre-Suasion. 

It is about increasing your sales conversions by using “Pre-Suasion” techniques so that your clients are more likely to say YES when you make an offer. I have been digging into some seriously awesome “Pre-Suasion” strategies outlined in the book and can’t wait to share them with you!


Show Notes

It is about Priming your audience so they are ready before you ask for the offer.


1. Timing

The timing is important for mastering the art of pre-suasion. Here is the process:

  1. Give lots of value up front.
  2. Then make the offer.

That is, give, give, give up front… then make your offer. This way when you make the offer people are thinking “of course I want this.”

One of the things they talk about is asking people if they are “adventurous”? When people commit to being adventurous they are more likely to say yes to a subsequent offer.

So the take home here is what smaller yeses you can you think of to ask your audience before the big yes of your offer?


2. Attention

Attention is a rule thing. Cialdini states that: “Our human tendency of assigning undue importance to an idea as soon as one’s attention is turned to it.”

The example is given of selling mattresses. The imagery of clouds and comfy cozy’ness primes people to say yes when the offer to purchase a mattress is given. Their attention is turned toward comfy cozy’ness and undue importance is created as a result. When the offer of a mattress is given people are primed toward it already because of the imagery.

For your business, stories are a great way to prime people’s attention and is a good use of the art of pre-suasion.


3. Attract and Magnetize

Three types of attraction factors are going on.


They are naturally occurring attractors of attention. I will list them here:

  1. Different
  2. Threatening
  3. Sexual

Being different and unique is important to stand out. And be authentic with it versus standing out just to stand out. Find pattern interrupts and identify your own unique message. How you speak is a great pattern interrupt. That is pace, pitch, power… I talk about these ways to speak in this blog post [insert link].

Being threatening is shown with cigarette packaging: the Surgeon General warning. The key piece is to assign a disease (more practically a label) to the thing you are pointing out to be threatening… AND offer a solution to it. The solution part is very important.

For my business, I talk about being a Salesy Weirdo. That is the label for the bad thing that can happen if you don’t head my training (the solution). My training is the solution for the bad thing needing to be avoided: Salesy Weirdo.

Last, is the sexual attractor. This is popular in the art of pre-suasion. However, if you try to make your campaigns sexy, but it is not a product that people would associate with something sexy then don’t do it. That would not be congruent.

For example, two ads were run. One for jeans. One for soda beverage Coke. Sexy works for jeans but it did not for the beverage because it is not naturally occurring for beverages. It is not congruent.

Adam says… “sexual innuendos get attention… But then our brain is looking for congruency. If there is no congruency our brain disengages.” Does this make sense? In the case of jeans… it makes sense. In the case of a soda beverage… it doesn’t really fit.



Once you attract… you then want to make sure you keep their attention: magnetize.

Now, if there is an argument that may come up after you attract them, you want to make sure you have a solution in place for it. This way they don’t come up with their own ideas or solutions and leave. You want to keep them with you and your solution.


4. Linking and Placement

You want to show the links between things. Use language and imagery to create a thread to connect desired outcomes. You don’t want to do this haphazardly it needs to make sense. Placement helps keep the links congruent and making sense.


5. Unity and Community

This is about social proof. It ties into our need to have community and be connected. One of the ways we do this is to use the word “We” instead of the word “I”. This is on purpose.

When you are leading a community. Don’t be the only one. Sometimes that is hard from an ego perspective. But if you can include others it is better for building community.

When you are doing FB Lives it is beneficial to invite people to comment. Then when others see that happening they will join in as well. It creates community. So ask for comments, shares and even testimonials for your website.  This is so that people in your community can see that there is a “we” going on. That there is even a movement behind it all.

We are done! The art of pre-suasion can really help you increase your sales. Get the book and learn several other nuggets. We only covered part of what Cialdini presents.


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Big thanks to my friend Tom Birchall ( who helped to write up these awesome show notes!