

10 Ways to increase engagement during your live videos on your BUSINESS PAGE! #mindblown . If I hear one more person tell me they don't want to go live on their business page because they don't get engagement there I'm going to stop wearing sparkles! AHHHHH! Jump in...

Is This Killing Your Sales?

Are you being a salesy weirdo? There's a technique used by soooo many business owners that works until it doesn't. Ha! This technique??? Being a salesy weirdo! Seriously knock it off! ([0:00]) If you’ve had sales but you’re just not getting the massive results that...

Work/life balance…

Decisions, Prioritizing.. I'm here at Social Media Marketing World and my amazing husband decided to bring the boys down for some quality family time! Here is a quick video to share how I was able to prioritize time with my family and connect back to my...