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Break That Sales Slump!

Here’s a true story!

BeLiver: Hey Molly, could you share a strategy that would allow me to bring in an extra 5k in sales within one month?

Molly: Um, how about a strategy that would allow you to do that in 2 weeks!

BeLiver: YES! I’m in!

And thus… this edition of Camera Confidence LIVE was born!

I am going to give us clear steps to bringing in an extra boost in sales in just two weeks. These steps are clear and to the point and they’ll take a little CONFIDENCE, but you know that’s my specialty!

Are you up for it?

Would you want in on this strategy so that you can bravely put it into action!?

Jump on in!


Building a business… Can be scary! And, once it starts rockin’… it can feel even scarier. With expenses and commitments… And HOLY SMOKES TIME!!! Sometimes, we forget to make SALES. Sometimes, for whatever reason…You need to make sales FAST! I’m going to give you a 2 WEEK Plan. And, if you want, you can speed it up and do this in only one week! ?

Treat this like a little “workshop.”

Go through and answer these questions, and move into these actions.


1. What is your 2 week Dream $ Goal?


2. What do you offer?


3. What is the real result?


4. If anything was possible…


5. What could you add to that offer.




7. What is the actual value of this new package?


8. What Could You Comfortably Charge?


9. How Many Would You Need to Sell?


10. Do You Need To ?Revisit That Price?


11. Who Would Use and Buy This? (Like, a real person.)


12. Where Are They? (Online, offline, etc.)


13. How Can You Get There? (Join the group, head to the meet up.


14. AND TALK TO THEM! I know, mind blown.


15. Put it in your calendar and do it!


16. Before you reach out – RESEARCH!!


17. LISTEN for problems that can be solved by your methods and the results you provide!!


18. Reach Out and Give Them a Compliment!!


19. Tell them you noticed that could make their business or life even better.


20. Ask if you could share.


21. Send them a little video explaining the shift they could make. DON’T MENTION YOUR PRODUCT.


22. When they thank you, let them know you would love to hop on a CALL to share ways they could implement it.


23. Talk to them like a human and make an offer. ; )


24. When they say yes… woo hoo!


25. When they say no… thank them for jumping on the call – and mean it. Ask if they’d like to stay in touch, and keep them in mind when you prep your content.


26. Start again!!


Seriously, I swear this works. Possibly better than any other strategy I’ve seen.
Want more support, fill out this breakthrough form and we’ll reach out to set up a quick call if it looks like a good fit.
People we mentioned in the video: