In celebration of the opening of our next ***6 Week Prepared Performer Profits Program I’m giving away 2 scholarships! If you are tired of working a day job that is not fulfilling… if you already make money as a performer, but it’s not enough to actually live on… if you are worried that you will have no way to make a living with your skills when you graduate, or if you have a business that uses your creative skills but you know you could bringing in more money and helping more people, this course is for you!
That’s right, the whole 6 week course, which was created to help you build as business using your creative talents so that you can make more money and make a difference doing what you love, FOR FREE! (More info on the course at
Here’s how to enter…
1. Go to and download the biz tool kit.
2. Record a short video explaining the change you would like to see in your performance business and life.
3. Post the video on Facebook by Sunday May 8th at Midnight PDT.
4. Tag Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer
5. Ask your peeps to like the video
6. Tune in Wednesday, May 11th for the announcement of the winners!
“Prepared Performer Profits is an inspiring and thorough class. Molly is an enthusiastic, well-prepared and creative instructor, who brings a sense of joy and purpose to her lessons. The course is well-structured and focused—I learned a lot of new and exciting things that I am already implementing in my business.”
-Andrew Byrne, Broadway vocal instructor
Taking this course was the kick in the pants I needed to take my business to the next level. I have a voice and acting coaching business, and have recently and suddenly been fortunate enough to expand!
Molly’s course broke everything down into easy, manageable steps accompanied by great tips, resources, and pointers.
Because of her guidance, I feel more powerful and in control than ever, and working through my to-do list brings me joy and confidence instead of panic.
Also, having access to the “mind hive” of others enrolled in the course was AWESOME! Working with Molly has been a HUGE GIFT and I’m so grateful for her and this program.
– Michelle Hernandez

Go Record that Video!