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I’m actually writing this from an airplane! (How amazing is technology!)

I’m heading home from a whirlwind of back to back conferences (Younique and eWomenNetwork) and I have some really powerful things to share with you all!

One of the highlights from these events was hearing Hyrum W. Smith speak at the eWomenNetwork conference.

For those who are like me and aren’t aware of his awesome, (I didn’t know him when we met chatted the elevator the day before his talk) here is a snippet from his Wikipedia page…

Hyrum W. Smith founded the Franklin Quest Company in 1981. Among the company’s other products, Smith created the Franklin Planner and seminars on productivity development based on the “belief window” and other concepts. In 1997, Franklin Quest merged with Stephen R. Covey’s Covey Leadership Center to form Franklin Covey. Smith is author of 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management (1994) and What Matters Most (2001) as well as other audio tapes.

He spoke at the eWomenNetwork conference about “Closing the 3 Gaps.”

You can get his full book about the topic here –

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Read on…

He stated:

“To obtain and maintain happiness and inner peace, which studies now prove is the key to productivity, three major gaps need to be closed.

The Belief Gap:

The question that must be answered here is: “Is there a gap between what I believe to be true and what is actually true?”

If I believe that gravity doesn’t work I will be in trouble.

The Time Gap:

The question that must be answered here is: “Is there a gap between what I did today and what I said I would do today?”

Everyone has the same amount of time.

The Value Gap:

The question that must be answered here is: “Is there a gap between what I value and what I am doing?”

If I value being physically fit and I weigh 400lbs I am in pain.”

His talk was absolutely transformational for me, and I know the message will be for you as well.

LUCKILY – he gave us an extra assignment. He said he wanted us to promise 3 things.

– to take notes.

– to commit to thinking about it for 36 hours

– to commit to TEACHING someone else within 48 hours.

SO – for Motivational Monday, I’m gave a recap of Hyrum W. Smith’s talk via Facebook Live on my personal Facebook Page

Check it out! AND, I wrote up some “show notes” for you below! To download a recap all in one

Click Here to Download a Recap Checklist