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Mind! Blown! New Messenger Automation!

Try it with me : ) You are now able to set up a “bot” that will message your peeps who comment below your videos with specific word! Comment below the video on Facebook with the word “masterclass” to try it out!” And, if you’d like to learn how I did this, join us for an upcoming Free Messenger Automation Tutorial.

(0:52) If you have found yourself in email overwhelm, check out this brand new feature

(2:40) Comment below with the word “masterclass” for something magical to happen!

(3:39) I set up Facebook Messenger from my Facebook business page with Manychat to send you a message after you comment below the video with the word!

(5:40) It’s a way to keep things platform congruent

(5:49) Now you’ve opted in to my system within my messenger