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Marla DiannIt’s time for another Prepared Performer Podcast Episode! This episode, featuring Marla Diann, of Embrace Your Spotlight, is going to make you think about your work as a performer in ways that might totally shock you. Don’t forget you can subscribe on itune by clicking here. 

You’ll learn…

  • What it means to be paid for your talents.
  • Powerful questions to help you turn around a negative belief about money.
  • How to ensure that you get PAID after a gig, without chasing the money. (We’ll be talking more about this one!)

And, a Free Gift: In her 10 page comprehensive report, Marla takes the entrepreneur through her innovative personal development style business model of 5 essential strategies. The system helps transform the entrepreneur’s money relationship, mindset, branding strategy, and profitability for sustained growth.




Here’s More about Marla Diann!

Marla Diann, an entrepreneur, visionary, and philanthropist for over two decades, brings her 20+ years of entertainment publicity, storytelling, and branding expertise with her love of human potential and entrepreneurship to her eight-year-old mentoring company.

She is passionate about mentoring creative entrepreneurs in a holistic approach to developing an integrated, trusted, and congruent personal brand as she coaches them how to build a leveraged business based on a healthy money relationship.

Together, she and her ambitious clients navigate a clear path to higher, more consistent revenues without compromising their health, well-being, dignity, family or values.

She intends for her clients to excel in their industry as the go-to-expert working less (more time for family, travel, passions) while earning more.

Marla is a certified Money Breakthrough Method ™ coach who inspires women and men to transform their relationship with money helping them break free of unconscious limiting money habits, gain control of their money behaviors and build a stronger self-worth and higher income.