If you’re not sure what I’m talking about when I use the phrase “Social Media Automation Bots” or “Facebook Messenger Bots,” Essentially, they automate your social media so you can reach more people, communicate with people in your area of expertise and (hopefully) build your business. Working with bots is like having your own little robot assistant who does all the busy work of finding, reaching out and connecting with your audience.
Using Messenger Bots has allowed us to see some pretty amazing results. AND, they’ve helped our clients to achieve some astounding results as well!
Pretty cool, right? I think so! But it did get me thinking about one very big, existential question…
Wait, are we still human here!?
Are we actually connecting with PEOPLE or are we all just robots now!?
I don’t know about you, but I want to be a real human. I’m an on-camera confidence coach and a Facebook live expert; so YES, I want real-live interaction with real, live human beings!
…But that doesn’t mean that messenger bots can’t still serve a useful purpose. If we use them ethically, bots can make a HUGE difference in expanding our business and helping us connect with others in a meaningful way!
(Psst – if you aren’t quite sure how to automate your messenger, I’ve created a free overview of my favorite Messenger Automation Tool for you – click HERE to access it!)
Here are 5 practices to put into place to use bots ethically – aka, in a way that helps the human race and doesn’t harm it. And by the way, this is important not only because we’re human beings and we have morals and values, but also because when you troll everyone with your bots, people can see right through it and they will tune you out. Not good for business.
1. Know Your Personal Brand Values + Impose Them on Your Messenger Bots
If you don’t have your values in place and honor them, things will go awry. Your values are essentially the core reason why you’re in business, what you want to accomplish with your business and HOW you wish to accomplish it.
For instance, I coach people so they can share their authentic selves, spread joy, and connect with other human beings kindly. Those values inform every move I make in my business… including how I choose to use automated bots. Your values should inform your choices, too.
2. Get to Know Your Ideal HUMAN (Notice I did not Say ‘Ideal Client’)
If you’ve created an ideal client avatar (like so many of us have been told to do) and you market to that avatar, your efforts will not be as successful as if you were speaking to a real, live human being.
As you look at your numbers, remember that they’re not just statistics – the people on the other end of those numbers have feelings, thoughts, perspectives and fears. Create all your content as if you were really making it for a REAL person!
3. Provide Value and Deliver It With Your Automation Bot
This is where we can use the bots to our advantage. Your bot can automatically send valuable content to your audience members when they opt in or comment on your content.
But the catch is that your content must be valuable! It must enhance the life of the human being on the receiving end, or your open rates will suffer. Just remember: value, value, value!
4. Once Your Bots Have Introduced You … Connect With the Human Being on the Other End!
I realized something wonderful about the Instagram bots I mentioned earlier: if I actually respond to the vague, computer-y comments that bots leave on my posts, a real human being starts to interact with me. Then we are actually able to develop a relationship, albeit over social media!
The bots offer something wonderful on my end as well: when someone responds to a comment that my bot has initiated, then I know that person is interested in my work. I can respond, start a dialogue and it saves me a TON of legwork in finding new prospects.
5. Don’t Be a Salesy Weirdo!
This one should be easy if you follow all the steps I outlined above. Get in touch with your values, know that you’re speaking to an actual human being, provide value, solve their problems, connect with them as real people, and then when it comes time to make an offer … just don’t be a salesy weirdo!
You got this! Get out there and make a difference in the world of the people you serve. And if you want more in-depth, specific information, be sure to watch the video above!
AND, if you want more support in creating live video content so you can build one on one relationships that scale… check out our Live Video Masterclass. https://www.LiveVideoMasterclass.com
My Favorite Social Media Automation tools that I’ve mentioned in this video are:
Repurpose.io – https://thepreparedperformer.com/rp
Social Simple Press – https://thepreparedperformer.com/ssp
ManyChat – www.ThePreparedPerformer.com/manychat
Live Video Gear List: www.ThePreparedPerformer.com/live-video-gear-list
PS: These are affiliate links, we only recommend tools we love! And, if you are recommending tools you love, you should use aff links too!
Would Initial caps work too? Bot Me? bot me?
Ok is it case sensitive? I am not getting a response
I am a robot right now
You set it to ‘bot me’. I got it when I typed it without caps. 😀
Not case sensitive I used Bot me
I just used it all the way through and its works great. People have to click on the highlighted WANT THIS
Must click on “I Want Access”
BOT Bot Bot…me!
Molly the Jedi I am robot
LOL! Misty, you won’t get it with 3 bot’s! :p
It’s the same as email automation.
Ready…siinging this
I was BORN in 1999! :p <3 LOL!
Camera confidence course is so much more its about getting all the Values and behind the scenes stuff taken care of….LOVE the course.
Real people!!!
I want to find something to talk about each day about my scentsy business that is where I have issue doing live each day
Yes list shame
Be a human! Connect with realness!
Ooo… that sounds awesome!
How did you do that with popping up comments during live that’s awesome
Michelle, that’s a fantastic BeLive feature, to highlight the comments. <3
?? wait is it 2 words?
It did! FTW ?
Don’t be a salesy weirdo!
That is freaking awesome!!!!! No more email spam with no end in sight.
Cool! Yes, so glad they thought of all these and incorporated it. 😀
Overcoming objections is the best! Some will some won’t someone is waiting.
How did you get your logo up above
BeLive is the next thing I need to test out. It’s next on my list! Just bought a mic recommended on your gear link! 😉
how do you get your logo on top of Belive logo?
Live leap
Ta da! It’s on this page http://www.ThePreparedPerformer.com/live-video-automation-tools
Bot Me
Master class
I graduated in 1999 #old
Haha! I was 1998
Woot woot
My fbook page is Bloom Business Solutions if you want to check out my recent post about it. 🙂
Great training Molly <3
I wish I could watch this
Amen for that!
Ain’t nobody got time for all of that! Salesy weirdos are not cool.
Thanks so much for this tip at Live Leap!
Bot Me (please)
Bot me ??
Bot me!
Got it
You are crazy awesome
Both me
Hi! Looks like Autocorrect was taking over. Ha! Bot me – should send you this link. http://www.AutomateMessenger.com
Bot me!!
He he he
Not me
Ha! I think you mean Bot Me – here’s the Bot link : ) http://www.AutomateMessenger.com
ok got it thank you
I got it right away~ that’s amazing!
Bot Me baby!
Bot Me. Please
Be live tv
Both me!
Are you wearing LuLaRoe
Bot me.
Mandi Tobey
Master law
Genevieve Zebada-Martinez Inman
bot mr
I want to learn to do a BOT!!!!
Bit me
love leap
Boy me!
But me
please tag for master class
live leap please
Did not get it
Boy Me
I had my 4th child in 1999
I had my 4th chold in 1999
Bot Me
Hot me
Mster Class
Bot me
Live leap!