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38126_412269750684_6314296_nI love Jes’ post today! It so makes me think of one of my best friends and inspirations, my Gramma! So, I hope Jes doesn’t mind that I’m going to dedicate the post to Bobbie Mahoney… on behalf of all of the amazing women in this world who have lived such full fantastic lives!

As a high school student, I always knew I had an old soul. My friends were older (by just a few years), I was a crazy avid swing dancer, and I obviously loved a good old fashioned musical. So… visiting retirement homes and connecting with people who loved the same music I did was always something that made me really happy. I was so pleased to hear that this makes Jes happy too! Check out her sweet post about how she is using her musical talents to spread cheer. And let us know how you use your talents to bring joy to others. : )

Spreading Cheer for All to Hear

Once a month, I visit a retirement home with friends to cheer up the residents and bring a bright spot to their day. Not only is this a great way to serve the community, it’s also a terrific way to practice performing in front of an audience! Although I love to perform on stage, this doesn’t happen every day. While I wait to be under the bright lights, I like to use the time to bring a smile to the faces of those who may not have the chance to get out and watch a live performance. Many of the older folks we visit absolutely LOVE to see kids “shimmer, shine, sparkle, and glimmer”! Songs that they love are from the 40’s and 50’s, so it gives me a great opportunity to learn about their past. Strangely enough, most of the songs they like are musical theatre numbers from shows like Oklahoma! and My Fair Lady. At the start it was pretty surprising to find out we have a lot more in common than I had originally thought. Who would’ve guessed? My visits to the retirement home really do bring joy to them and also to me!

I’d love to hear from all of you. How are you using your musical gifts, or any other talents you have to serve others in your community? Please, PLEase, PLEASE let me know in the comment box below. I’d love to see hundreds of ideas pour in below. My hope is OUR stories may inspire others to use their talents in a similar way, AND give us all new ideas about what we can be doing for others. If you haven’t had this kind of experience, I encourage you to get out there and share any gift you have.

-A kid who likes to shimmer, shine, sparkle and glimmer!Jess-New-Cartoon-Web-140x300

Jes DeGroot

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