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how to get things doneDo you set goals that go unaccomplished? I know how easy it is to get distracted and to move on to the next exciting thing. In fact… it’s my BIGGEST STRUGGLE.

So, I’ve committed myself to getting my crazy creative brain under control. Today I’ll be sharing the best of what I’ve learned to help me stay on task and COMPLETE my goals! Get in here and learn several tips for GETTING THINGS DONE!

This is a LIVE broadcast using Facebook Live. If you click on the F on the bottom of the video you’ll be able to join in the conversation as well! AND – if you aren’t into videos… scroll down to find bullet points that will help!

If you would like more info on facebook live, or to be notified when I go live, download this Facebook Live Checklist.


  1. Pick ONE project that will be your main focus. (I know, I know but seriously – ONLY ONE.)
  2. Find a magic feather (something physical that will give you magic focus power keep you on task.)
  3. Go through your list and put a star next to the things you don’t like doing.
  4. Either pass the things you don’t like doing on to someone else, or set up a reward system for yourself so that you actually DO this.
  5. Every two weeks, set aside an hour or two to put everything into your calendar! If it doesn’t fit, something needs to be canceled or you need to take longer to accomplish WHICH IS OK!.
  6. At the end of two weeks, go back and analyze what you’ve done. Did you accomplish the tasks? Did they actually help you get closes to your goal?  Follow Todd Herman’s advice and use “Wow” brain vs. “Ow” brain.
  7. Make a new plan for the next two week based on your analysis.


At the end of this video I also talk about how to hire a team! I’ll save that info for a separate blog post – but you can skip ahead to the 30 min. mark for more info on hiring a team!

If you’d like to do more LIVE Facebook video to connect with your audience. Download my LIVE VIDEO CHECKLIST!