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How to fold a pop up backdropFor at least a year I’ve been shooting video auditions for my students with a GIANT curtain hanging in the middle of my studio. The curtain was a little wrinkled… and the set up was way annoying. When OCSA (Orange County School of the Arts) auditions were happening, I would just leave it up year round.

I saw an add for this new pop up back drop and I literally freaked out. It looked sooo simple and super easy for traveling. And, it honestly amazing. Super light weight and looks great on camera when you want a solid clean backdrop.  However, I have managed to fold myself into some pretty interesting positions while trying to fold this thing back into it’s super sleek carrying case.

Soooo – as usual – I took my failure and turned it into a lesson for you! Ha! I did a Facebook live video today showing you the easiest way to fold this puppy up in 2 seconds flat!

So – here’s the backdrop…

[easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”center” asin=”B001TIC9BA” cloaking=”default” layout=”top” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”thepre0af-20″]

AND – here’s the backdrop in action. (If you’d like to see more of my fb live tips, be sure to subscribe to get notifications when I go live!)


AND, if you’d like to do your own fb live videos – download this free checklist today –