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You’ve all seen the ads for the Ghost Light Vocal Jam (GLVJ) and heard about it from Molly, and if you’ve gone, you know how great it is to hang out with the crowd of musical theatre junkies that shows up each month. The GLVJ gives performers a place to try out new songs and work through their jitters before an audition or upcoming performance, or to just feel the joy of performing before a live audience. It’s definitely not an open mic night of wannabe singer-songwriters lost on the way to the coffee shop. I’m talking a high energy, theatrical experience for all ages. Each month it’s a completely different crowd—from kids still in grade school, teens, college kids, parents, and even grandparent-aged folks come out to croon their favorite musical theater tune.


Molly begins the show with the kind of high energy like one might find at a comedy club. Right from the start she puts everyone at ease through her positivity and encouragement. She’s always poking fun at herself as she purposely forgets lyrics, trips, or mispronounces someone’s name, “… just so everyone is comfortable if it happens to them,” she always says with sheepish-knowing smile. She then looks out into the audience and calls out performer after performer by name, usually giving a little a little tidbit about the person as they quietly talk over specifics with the accompanist. Surprises and zaniness often ensue. Sometimes, between a few polished acts, there is a quirky duet or comedic verse from a lesser known stage show and words are forgotten or performers crack each other up. Everyone then joins in, laughing. It’s all part of the fun. And of course there is always a headliner that blows the audience away with their talent. It’s really an awesome evening for anyone who loves to perform or just wants to watch some amazingly talented people. Jess-New-Cartoon-Web-140x300

-A kid who likes to shimmer, shine, sparkle and glimmer!

Jes DeGroot

Click here for more from Jes!

A note from Molly – : )

The next GLVJ is Dec. 30th!  It’s a Holiday Themed show and we’ll be featuring members of the She Loves Me Cast! If you’d like to see videos of past GLVJ performances check them out here –