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You know we have all been craving connection and the motivation to move…

So, we are bringing you Motivation and Movement on Mondays!

In an awesome partnership between Performer’s Puzzle and The Prepared Performer, we are thrilled to present:

“Find Your Groove” Monday Morning Dance Party!

A weekly bit of inspiration and dance!

Molly loves Mondays, and wanted to give you a reason to love them too! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:. So she asked Tim if they could host a Monday Morning dance party and he said YES DUH!!

We are offering a shortened warm up, a quick, one time review of the combo from a prior Performer’s Puzzle combination, and a chance to dance it out together as we start the week.

This weekly dance party will last no more than 30 minutes and will give you the perfect dose of motivation to start your week on the right foot! (Pun intended.)

Finally, a Monday we can look forward to!!

And, one more really important thing… you get to join us for FREE!

Be sure to tune in LIVE with us here for all the details at 8:45am PT/ 11:45am ET and then we’ll head to a secret zoom location so we can get together virtually and DANCE!

Give us the word DANCE below if you’d like to join us!

See you there!