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Hey Prepared Performers! Get ready for some awesome financial advice! Pay attention to learn how to become a paid performer! And, she is giving away a few great goodies which you can get on the website or by texting…

Profits -> 44222 -> for small business, 5 Way to Boost Your Bottom Line in 30 Minutes a Day

Debtfree -> 44222 -> for people, 5 Ways to be Debt Free in 2016


Business website:

Money Coaching website:


financial Advice for performers, money management, paid performer

Shauna Gingras, PMP® CMC®
With a background in Business and Technology Shauna has worked with companies ranging from Startups to Fortune 500, creating process and delivery strategies to increase revenue and market engagement.

Developing the strategy and leading execution with teams co-located in Canada, the US and EU to implement best in class solutions Shauna has been fortunate to contribute to the teams that brought bleeding and leading edge solutions to market in Government, Banking, Insurance, Oil & Gas and Hospitality.

Combining the tools and strategies leveraged by successful corporations allows Shauna to share her experience and empower Small Business and Entrepreneurs to Plan, Perform and Profit!

Shauna Gingras| SRP Consulting