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Easily Automate Social Media and Get Content Everywhere!


Ever get stuck when you think of the piles of social media content that you need to create in order to keep up with the demand and stay on top of the news feed? Have you ever thought about how you could easily automate social media and get content everywhere?

What many people don’t realize is there are ways to systematize and automate social media content in a way that is easy and effective. Two of my favorite words! 

I recently connected with the founder of a tool that has blown my mind in just how easy it makes things, and I’ve convinced him to join us so you can see a real look into the magic and how to put it into action! 

Arjun Rai is the founder and CEO at HelloWoofy, a smart marketing dashboard for the small businesses of the world. He’s a 4x founder and a passionate New Yorker at heart. For over 12 years, he has been building startups within the communication space. He loves dogs, carpentry, cooking, and more. 

I am excited to share his mission to build the largest company, while helping the smallest, for the price of a cup of coffee at HelloWoofy. Let’s learn more about how you can easily automate social media and get content everywhere!  


Introducing Hellowoofy

First of all, Arjun has wired his apartment so that whenever anyone signs up for his service or even his newsletter, the lights flash. He knows how to celebrate the small wins, which is so awesome. 

Arjun has been building start-ups since he was a teenager; he’s built four companies, two of which were venture-backed. Throughout building start-ups, he’s learned how not to do it. 

They launched as a social media scheduling tool back in 2019. They knew that small businesses and agencies really needed help when it comes to data-driven marketing and copywriting, etc. A lot of other solutions fall short on insights for emojis, hashtags, images. Hellowoofy expanded into blog post auto-completion, cross-platform scheduling, and some other tools, like a Chrome extension that allows you to auto-complete from anywhere on the internet and optimize what you do post. Thanks to the help of Amazon, they were able to build a smart speaker scheduler, where they can be reached in their home via text to audio, video, and other forms of communication as long as they opt in. 

A lot of other solutions tend to be clunkier in terms of design, and you feel like you need advanced degrees to understand the data they present to you, but they definitely also get the job done. Plus they are so expensive. A lot of respect toward those other solutions. But small business owners are likely looking for something more affordable and intelligent. Hellowoofy has partnered with Hootsuite, which is the biggest scheduler in the world, so they have integrated together. Otherwise, Hellowoofy is intended to be a better solution for small businesses for social media scheduling and content creation.

The beauty of Hellowoofy is not only did they want to build the Tesla of marketing (affordable, intelligent, easy to use), but they wanted to make sure a creative visual person could simply integrate the tool into their workflow. Purple is indicative of long-term strategies. Blue means that you are scheduling content one at a time into the calendar or adding content one piece at a time into the library. 



Deep Dive into HelloWoofy



The first thing you want to do is go to the Library and go to Categories and fill in each of the categories, naming them whatever you want. Fill them in with as much content as possible so you can use it as a campaign or schedule each post one at a time whenever you feel like it. 

One amazing thing about the library is, it tells you how similar your content is, by platform, based on the last 60 days of usage. (They filed patents around this technology) Why? Well, for example: Twitter’s Terms of Service prohibits similar or duplicated content being used over and over again. It makes sense because you don’t want to spam your audience unwillingly. Hellowoofy is monitoring compliance for you, which is incredible because you no longer have to worry about that.


Post Content Creation Tool

When you upload an image with text inside it, it automatically detects that so that you can have content transcribed for you. So cool!

Say you want to create a blog post. You start typing your content, and Hellowoofy works to auto-complete your sentence. It also gives you the right emoji recommendations based on the words you use. Emojis tend to drive significant increase in engagement and purchase intent. They literally mapped the entire English language to determine what emojis made sense with what words and which ones worked together in conjunction with hashtags and which hashtags worked together, so there is no guesswork in that process.

They decided to show the business owner which emojis are popular or not at the moment so you can make a data-driven decision there. The purple dot allows you to search for royalty-free images, memes, and gifs based on what you have typed in so far as well. If the system suggests a hashtag that you’re not fond of, you can click on the hashtag, and it will suggest similar alternate choices for you instead.

If you’re not sharing your blog posts, include an insight or an excerpt, not just the title. The system will suggest titles, quotes, and hashtags for you based on the article itself, as discussed. It’s your best friend, just like your dog. You can even share your posts with your international audiences with the translate tool, which translates your whole post into whatever language you need. 

Arjun suggests creating and posting blog posts twice a week on average. That is a great frequency for small business owners. Most small business owners are unsophisticated marketers. They are great at whatever their business is created around, but they are not a marketing expert, most likely. 


Journal Creation Tool

In addition to the post creation tool, there is also the journal creation tool. It is helping you auto-complete entire blog posts, schedule to your blogging platform, and follow it up with a social post to promote the blog post. This is something worth thinking about when trying to be omnipresent on the internet.

The Google Chrome extension they built allows you to schedule from anywhere on the internet and add content from anywhere on the internet as well as auto-complete on most major content websites like Medium or Evernote. You can optimize text elsewhere besides Hellowoofy, including for the perfect emoji. 



The Creator Section 

The Discover section brings content from all over the internet to your fingertips. Then you have the Advanced section. Then there is the Creator section. 

Once you become a content Creator on Hellowoofy, which you do have to apply for, other people can follow you in the Follower section. This was only launched a couple weeks ago, so they are still in development. As you see a bunch of creators in that section, you can follow whomever you want. The content that comes through the Creator section is the skills that you create using the Hellowoofy skills creator tool. 

The SMB plan allows you to create your own skills, but the Agency plan allows you to create skills for multiple clients. The Library will allow you to have multiple libraries so you can bifurcate between clients in order to avoid posting on the wrong client’s accounts. At the Agency level, you have 100 social media/blogging accounts, up to 20 blog posts you can schedule a day, up to four libraries with 10 calendars per library, and other limits that can be read about on their site. 


Amazon “Skills”

The most important thing for small businesses in 2021 is how they are partnering with Amazon and Alexa to build the world’s first smart speaker schedule. You can create a branded skill. For those who don’t know, a skill is basically a fancy version of an app within Amazon’s system. All your audience has to do is go to their nearest Amazon Alexa or an Echo or a FireTV, any Amazon device, and say, “I want to listen to the Molly marketing skill,” which will automatically play the video on the user’s screen.

At the end of the video, you can then include, “Hey, this is Molly. If you liked the video, click on the link to the left to join my mastermind/sales funnel/newsletter, etc.” Just below the description, like a Facebook post, you can include a link, which you can use the remote or your finger, depending on the device, to navigate there easily. 

As a member of Hellowoofy, they can create the skill video for you. All you have to do is choose your background, the name of the skill, the color of the skill, the branding, and it automatically creates it for you with that information in mind. This is your way of distributing your content through smart speakers via audio, video, or text to audio (where Alexa reads it). Your users don’t have to download it first; they just can search for it as long as they know the specific name of the skill. 

In order to access skills, open the Alexa app on your phone. Click on More on the bottom left. Go to Skills and Games. Then you can search for whichever skill you’re looking for in the search section. If you’re looking for the Hellowoofy skill, this will include every creator and creator’s content. After seven days, a video will go away on your skill. 

If you don’t have an Alexa or another Amazon device, you can install the Alexa app on your phone and download skills that way. But it’s worth noting that the devices are relatively cheap and are worth investing in. 

Masterclass is doing so well right now. People really want leadership in the fields they are in or are interested in learning more about. Distributing videos through Amazon Skills is a great way to enter yourself in that space. Netflix and Hulu don’t need to be the only ones dominating the content space.


This is AMAZING! How do I get it?

Hellowoofy is currently selling at the founders’ rate of $49 a year. If you want the Alexa scheduler, ( more info below)  it starts at $69 a year. The agency version starts at $99 a year. It’s a lifetime deal, so if you opt in now, you keep that price forever. And they do plan on raising the rates in the future, so opt in now! 

  • In order to become an affiliate, go to Click on the Affiliate tab, which is the third icon from the top left. Click Sign Up Now. There is an application process. It may take up to a week to get approved. As soon as you are approved, you will receive a link that says, “An admin has approved your account.”  Once you receive that email you reset your password, you’re all set. There are then specific steps you have to take: Throw the sales page link into the generator, and it will generate a link for you with a code on your end so that your sales can be tracked and you can receive your proper commission. 

Hellowoofy also wants to emphasize how much they love feedback from their customers. They are shaping the direction this tool is going in based on feedback they are receiving from their founding members. Hellowoofy wants their customers to be a part of the growth experience, so much so that they launched a crowdfunding campaign through WeFunder that has raised $564,244. You can invest as low as $100. Then you purchase the version of the tool that you want and become an affiliate. You make all of that money back in a snap. Build a company with your customers. Build a company for your customers. There is no excuse not to build a community at this point. 

I just love that Arjun listens to his founding members. For example: I had recommended that Hellowoofy add a way to upload larger batches of old content at once, in order to make that process more efficient, as well as elements of insights. Arjun sent these suggestions to his QA and engineering teams right as we were talking live. He also loves hearing about new ideas for content integrations with Hellowoofy. 

If you couldn’t tell I am pretty stoked about this incredible tool! It is possible to easily automate social media and get content everywhere. Opt in now at these incredible prices, become an affiliate, and build your community! There is no better time than now! 

Want more from The Prepared Performer? Check out our 10 social media strategies that lead to sales and 3 keys to building your business online in 2021 AND don’t forget to sign up for Live Video Masterclass reminders you always know when we are going live!



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