by Molly Mahoney | Oct 16, 2015 | Auditions, Balance, Breathing, Confidence, Dance, Podcast, Uncategorized
It's time for another PREPARED PERFORMER PODCAST! (Click here to subscribe on itunes) Today we have brilliant performer and Certified Empowerment Coach, Nikol Peterman. In this episode Nikol shares so much goodness! Including… What to do in the face of constant...
by Molly Mahoney | Sep 16, 2015 | Balance, Confidence, Vocal Health
Hi all! I had a really hard time uploading this video yesterday! It just kept freezing and it drove me CRAZY! I was able to upload it to Facebook without a fancy intro on Tuesday night, but it finally went live on Youtube this morning. So, I’m bringing it to you...
by Molly Mahoney | Aug 21, 2015 | Confidence, Family, Ghost Light Vocal Jam, Singing
Ghost Light Vocal Jam – Sept. 28th This Open Mic Night at the Chance Theater is taking So-Cal by storm. Singer spots will fill up, so sign up NOW at We will be saving a handful of spots for the door, but only those who...
by Molly Mahoney | Jun 18, 2015 | Acting, Confidence
Hi all! I would really love your help in taking this 3 minute survey. And, if you do, you'll be entered to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card! I'm working on a program that will guide you through all that it takes to build and maintain a creative career… but I want to...
by Molly Mahoney | Jun 18, 2015 | Auditions, Confidence, Headshots
In my last post, I talked about using the time in summer for working toward my musical theater goals. One of those goals is updating my headshot. Every day we change, if only a little, and the subtle differences begin to grow more obvious the older our headshots...
by Molly Mahoney | May 18, 2015 | Acting, Auditions, Confidence
Most people think performers have an innate sense of confidence, a natural sense of fearlessness. But, that is NOT TRUE! As performers, we spend a huge portion of our time working on our own inner goodness. And, no one has outlined the way to craft a performance...