by Molly Mahoney | Mar 14, 2016 | Auditions, Balance, Podcast
ACTORS EQUITY ASSOCIATION TO JOIN OR NOT TO JOIN PART 2 WITH MONTAJA SIMMONS – Prepared Performer Podcast #10 Are you torn between joining the Actors Equity Association and building up Non-Equity credits and experiences? Maybe you read our earlier pro and...
by Molly Mahoney | Feb 29, 2016 | Acting, Balance, Business
Hey Prepared Performers! Get ready for some awesome financial advice! Pay attention to learn how to become a paid performer! And, she is giving away a few great goodies which you can get on the website or by texting… Profits -> 44222 -> for small business,...
by Molly Mahoney | Jan 6, 2016 | Balance
Work Life Balance… is something most of us struggle with. We yank out our hair trying to maintain some sort of control pulling at all sides to remain in the middle. Recently within a 24 hour span, two separate forward thinkers mentioned a different approach to...
by Molly Mahoney | Dec 17, 2015 | Balance, Singing
During the teen and tween years, the voice is continually changing and growing. Typically, this is more obvious with guys, but much to my surprise, girls are affected as well. Beautiful tones summoned by our minds escape our mouths as croaks and squeaks, which leads...
by Molly Mahoney | Dec 16, 2015 | Balance
Want more joy in your life!!?? Watch this! You must first recognize and celebrate what joy means for your now. This is part two of the Goal Setting Challenge.Let’s set a specific goal theme for 2016! AND, if you’d like to be held accountable and stick...
by Molly Mahoney | Dec 9, 2015 | Balance, Business
Welcome to another “Work it! Wednesday!” Business advice for creatives who want to accomplish more without going crazy! Today we’re going to work on setting ONE. BIG. GOAL. for 2016. I’ve been inspired by a few friends recently to set a...