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“Marketers Break The Internet” Especially with this Big Marketing Mistakes!

Ok, not really… buuuut if you aren’t careful, there are mistakes that many marketers make (sometimes with the best intention) that ruin things for the rest of us, and often turn away customers!

And, I have to tell you, these mistakes can be dangerous when you are playing on someone else’s playground… like ah’hem here on Facebook. 

Join our Camera Confidence Coach, Molly Mahoney has she shares 5 big mistakes many marketers are making and what you can do instead to ensure you have the best affect of your community, our industry, and your longevity online!

Click Here for the Video! 

1. Groups

Don’t ADD people to groups without asking for permission. Once they have said yes, send them a link so they can go to the group on their own. That will ensure they actually have a chance to see the content in the group.

Don’t share links/videos in groups without permission. It’s spammy and not fair to the person who is running the group. It’s their playground.

2. Messenger

OMG. Messenger Group Chats are for FRIENDS! If you want to use messenger for marketing, use a BOT on your biz page and build real individual relationships via your personal page.

3. Poaching/Hijacking

Be respectful of the fact that other people are building communities and looking to build a business online too. If you hop on to other people’s videos and start promoting your own stuff – you look like a creeper… and it’s not nice.

4. Personal Page

Your personal page is for CONNECTING AS A HUMAN. If everything you do is business based, you are going to push people away.

5. Compliance

This changes ALL THE TIME. A few things that I see people do frequently that can lead them right to FB Jail?

  1. CopyrightedMusic in videos.
  2. Spammy Bot Messages – There are specific rules about this! Read them!
  3. Moving too fast when sending msgs or invites to an event.

The compliance issue is a HUGE part of why we started our new MollSTARS Marketing Membership! Check it out! The price is going up every Friday