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Do you ever struggle with the balance between business and your life?

As a business owner and live steamer who is focused on building an audience, we know it can be tough!

Recently, I had a chat with Social Media Powerhouse Kim Garst about the balance between Building a Business and Raising a Family.


Whether you have a family, fur babies, or just want more life/work balance, this is going to be a conversation you don’t want to miss.



Background on our Featured Guest and Social Media Powerhouse Kim Garst

In case you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know Kim, here’s a little more about her magic!
  • She is an international best selling author
  • International keynote speaker
  • One of the world’s most retweeted people among digital marketers
  • A highly sought after marketing strategist.
Kim is also internationally recognized as a thought leader in the social media space, just check out her Facebook page Kim Garst! Forbes named her as one of the Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers. She has provided social and digital marketing advice to some of the world’s top brands like Microsoft, IBM, and MasterCard as well and hundreds of influential business leaders on digital and social media business strategies.
She is the co-founder of Boom! Social, a business strategy consulting firm that helps business owners create more sales using the power of digital and social media.

What she enjoys most is helping ordinary people discover their unique “possibles” so that they can build extraordinary businesses that help them live the life of their dreams.

Some fun facts about Kim:

  • She was the first in her family to get a college degree
  • She was working as a paralegal before she started her business
  • She was planning on becoming a lawyer but detoured into the online world and she is so glad she did
  • She loves watching her son play ice hockey!


Nuggets and Insights Shared by Kim

The following are the Show Notes from the magical interview I had with Kim.

Get on the phone and talk to people

When Kim first started her online business she got on the phone and talked to people. Years ago this was necessary for clients to trust the process, but today it is just as important. Connecting with people as real human beings is the best way to grow your business. Get out from behind your computer and be a human talking to other humans.

It takes Time to Grow Your Business

It took Kim 5 years to make her first $60.00 online. If you are struggling to make it keep going! Surround yourself with supportive friends and family and keep moving forward. Kim had a supportive husband that cheered her on!

She built her first 7 figure business from her dining room table. Find where ever it is in your home that you can set up and have your “space.” Make it your office and make things happen.

On Balance and Boundaries

Is there really any such thing as balance? Kim says it is more a boundary thing than a balance thing. The life of an entrepreneur can get crazy at times.  Sure there is the term Work/Life balance… but these have seasons.

There are seasons in both of these: the work side and the life side. What you need to do is set boundaries in each of these areas.

You really can have it all. What you need to do is set boundaries that work for you and stick to them.

Here are a few nuggets:

  • Figure out what is important to you
  • Establish expectations with how you deal with your business
  • Think in terms of seasons instead of balance
  • Make sure you are really present when you are with your family

Examples of boundaries

Here are some examples of boundaries we discuss. It is on weekend family time, serving your clients and community, and putting on your own oxygen mask first.

Example #1: Weekend with Family

Kim had a boundary for not missing her son’s hockey games on weekends. That was important to her. She did not want to miss any of his games. Even if it meant turning down opportunities.

Put a protective fence around those things that are important to you and don’t let other things take them out. And remember that you can “jump the fence” from time to time (make an exception) but still maintain that boundary.

Truth moment: if you keep jumping the fence, did your commitment to that boundary really mean anything in the first place?

Example #2: Expectations with Clients and Your Community

When you achieve a level of success in your business you will find people in your community are constantly asking you if you can help them. Your heart and desire is to help and serve them. This is great but you need to set boundaries and expectations with how much you can serve. You can’t always be available for everyone. You will have no life.

Truth Moment: If you don’t set boundaries and expectations your clients and community will pull you in all directions. Where do you need to set new boundaries or re-commit to old ones?

Here are some nuggets for boundaries:

  • Set up office hours (specific/set times you are available)
  • Write out a series of responses for messenger or text to drive people to your FB group where you support folks (ie train your team/clients to go to your FB Page or Group for support and not to contact you directly
  • Let your community know when you are available (I’ll be in the group on the weekend. I’ll be away this weekend.)
  • Communicate your boundaries via email, messenger bots, FB Cover photo, Pinned posts etc.
  • Watch your energy as you communicate, be positive and make your clients and community feel like they are the most important people versus grumpy or frustrated that you are being pulled in many directions
  • Setting expectations well is talking about what you DO want, not what you don’t want
  • Assign or hire a community manager to provide support on your FB Page of in your FB Group

Key Question:

What is something you can prioritize today in your family or in your life that will be that fence, that boundary that you can commit to?

Example #3: Put YOUR Oxygen Mask On First

Kim makes the point that so many of her clients she works with don’t have their own business processes in place for what they themselves do. That old saying, “the Cobbler’s kids have no shoes.”

The point is to make sure the thing you are known for, is the thing you are doing well yourself. When you have a paying client you are hired to do your thing and you do it. But the challenge is for your own business we often times don’t feel obligated to do our thing for ourselves. So make sure you showcase your own work for your own business. Make sense? Phrased another way: take yourself seriously so other’s can too!

Every time you get on an airplane you hear them say to put your own oxygen mask on first. Do this with your own business.

Quotes Shared:

“Life doesn’t tell you what to do… but it sure does give you hints.” (Kim’s hubby!)

“Time is the most precious thing… so figure out how you want to spend that time.” (Molly)

“Give away the WHAT… and Sell the HOW!” (Kim)

“Don’t get so wrapped up in your clients that you sacrifice your own social media. Prioritize your time and get your own house in order.” (Kim)

Links Mentioned:


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Big thanks to my friend Tom Birchall ( who helped to write up these awesome show notes!

Watch the live video for Balancing Life and Your Business: It is Possible!!