by Molly Mahoney | Jun 18, 2015 | Auditions, Confidence, Headshots
In my last post, I talked about using the time in summer for working toward my musical theater goals. One of those goals is updating my headshot. Every day we change, if only a little, and the subtle differences begin to grow more obvious the older our headshots...
by Molly Mahoney | Jun 11, 2015 | Auditions, Balance, Headshots, Musical Theatre, Singing
Summer is rapidly approaching, and if you’re like me, it’s important to make plans for the lazy days of summer, otherwise they whoosh by so quickly that before I know it the autumn leaves begin to turn, and I have no idea what I did with my time. We all know that...
by Molly Mahoney | Jun 2, 2015 | Singing
Sooooo excited!!! New crazy quick and easy tips for performers every Tuesday!! This week I give you a tip that will help you to have a clearer more contemporary singing voice! Click here to get the tip!
by Molly Mahoney | May 18, 2015 | Acting, Auditions, Confidence
Most people think performers have an innate sense of confidence, a natural sense of fearlessness. But, that is NOT TRUE! As performers, we spend a huge portion of our time working on our own inner goodness. And, no one has outlined the way to craft a performance...
by Molly Mahoney | Apr 13, 2015 | Broadway, Musical Theatre, Uncategorized
Last Tuesday at the Ghost Light Vocal Jam (GLVJ), I had the chance to sit down with the bubbly headliner Shanon Mari Mills during intermission and chat with her a bit about her career and her role as Glinda’s understudy in the national Emerald City tour of Wicked....