by Molly Mahoney | Oct 31, 2015 | Podcast
It’s time for another Prepared Performer Podcast! This bi-weekly podcast can be found on itunes by clicking here. If you find this podcast helpful, please leave us an honest review. Molly Tynes (Pippin on Bway and LOADS of regional work) joins us for a talk all...
by Molly Mahoney | Oct 23, 2015 | Musical Theatre, Singing
Hi all! As you may have seen on Facebook and Instagram, I have been on a free cruise with my amazing makeup company Younique! It was seriously a trip of a lifetime. I’ll include a few pics at the bottom of this post. : ) But, It meant that the internet was a...
by Molly Mahoney | Oct 16, 2015 | Auditions, Balance, Breathing, Confidence, Dance, Podcast, Uncategorized
It's time for another PREPARED PERFORMER PODCAST! (Click here to subscribe on itunes) Today we have brilliant performer and Certified Empowerment Coach, Nikol Peterman. In this episode Nikol shares so much goodness! Including… What to do in the face of constant...
by Molly Mahoney | Oct 13, 2015 | Breathing, Singing
Another QUICK TIP TUESDAY! This is filled with quick tips about breathing. So get out your pen and take some notes. Chocked full of breathing tips that will strengthen your belt and the video is only a few minutes...