by Molly Mahoney | Mar 14, 2016 | Auditions, Balance, Podcast
ACTORS EQUITY ASSOCIATION TO JOIN OR NOT TO JOIN PART 2 WITH MONTAJA SIMMONS – Prepared Performer Podcast #10 Are you torn between joining the Actors Equity Association and building up Non-Equity credits and experiences? Maybe you read our earlier pro and...
by Molly Mahoney | Mar 12, 2016 | Auditions, Singing
CALM DOWM!! HAMILTION VOCAL SELECTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER! [easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”center” asin=”1495057542″ cloaking=”default” layout=”top” localization=”default”...
by Molly Mahoney | Mar 9, 2016 | Auditions, Breathing, Broadway, Ear Training/Sight Reading, Singing, Vocal Health
Top Vocal Tips Top Vocal Coaches! It’s my birthday, so I have a special gift for you!! I’ve reached out to 12 of the best vocal coaches and asked for their top tips! These vocal coaches were super gracious in sharing their BEST advice. I’m actually...
by Molly Mahoney | Mar 1, 2016 | Singing
So – it’s March! Music in Our Schools Month, and the month of my birthday! I wanted to do something big, and FUN! I’m launching a few challenges today. The first is this… Just Sing. Everyday. And… that starts with TODAY! The benefits of...
by Molly Mahoney | Feb 29, 2016 | Acting, Balance, Business
Hey Prepared Performers! Get ready for some awesome financial advice! Pay attention to learn how to become a paid performer! And, she is giving away a few great goodies which you can get on the website or by texting… Profits -> 44222 -> for small business,...