THE SKY IS NOT FALLING!! How to understand the new Facebook Updates and how to use them for your advantage! And, if you want seriously amazing resources that will help you to keep your business page alive, or revive it if it needs reviving… comment below with the word VALUE. We’ve got you covered!Big thanks to my friend Billy Funk for jumping in while I had to take my kiddo to the potty. Hahahah! There’s a first for everything!
Here’s the resources and experts we mentioned in the video. Rocking Resources!
Free Goodness:
Higher Level of Support:
And, if for some reason, this video stops at the 30 min mark – I’ve also uploaded it here so that you can see the whole thing.
You guys rock
Its all good!!!
New Funk
God bless both of you❤️?? Thank you!!
Thanks for including me in this. Always love your energy!
Thank ya!
JoAnne Worley for the new Millenium
Hubby asks me to put out The trash with my foil hat on and the battle of a thunderstorm it’s just his things
Cam fam
#camfam #mollstars
Your awesome!
#camfam #glamfam #mollstars
Belated Happy New Year, Everyone! ???
Thank you for your Friday night dedication to solving problems ?❤️
#value #new funk #graphic #
Molly, so weird, I noticed I dropped about 500 followers overnite, now I am getting requests to add these people back… have had these people have asked me what’s up? Why do they have to reopt
Could this be a weird algorithm?
Nedra Kanavel
LOL,Charlie moment, I love it
I going to go live!
Hi from California!!
Can you explain more in depth how to use your profile page to move those people/friends/fans to your business page? You and Billy know what you’re talking about but I feel like I’m missing some steps
Bummer oh yah
Mauren Sparrow Kennedy
Ariel Crawford
Classic boys
Haha toofunny
lol amazing
He will make it up with ads i think
Danielle…yes you can block specific words on your business page in the settings. Message me.
Danielle Coffer
To block words:
Click settings at the top of your business page.
From “General”, click “Page Moderation”
Type the words you want to block, separated by commas.
You’ll need to add both the singular and plural forms of the word(s) you want to block.
Click “Save Changes”
lol omg don’t pee on mom
Best live ever
lol MAKE time
lol do it!
Yay! Go Charlie!
and it’s designed to help the BEST content come through so up your game!
Do either of you teach how to do a bit, and how to setup a live technologically??
YES Long Term Play
Bot not bit
Are you doing another makeover? I am headed to a wedding in Vegas on the 9th:(
#replay ? I can’t believe I’ve missed your last lives
I am just starting, tried to go live and kept freezing. I love in a bad area for dsl and cellular
Trying to watch replay and it keeps starting over
I Want to go live
How do you get engagment with no viewers while you are just learning?
New Funk!
Thank you guys!!
Facebook Business Page Make Over would be nice.
Kelly Kemper
3 times so far… I’m a rookie lol
Jillian Golinski
I went to my page and wasn’t given the option to follow anybody when I clicked See first Molly
Can you share a screenshot?
Here it is
not getting NewFunk
re-play, value
I love your Mom moment!
so cute!
I have no idea what some of these things you are talking about or mentioning to use.
You can do it Charlie!!
Yes, we are good, go help him.
Thank you!
Laurra JD
you can “see first” up to 14 peoole?
This is a great thing to do. Celebrate who you are and what makes you a human being.
Amie Dawn
This was the most entertaining and informative Facebook Live I have seen to-date! You had such grace under pressure, Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer What a great mom you are. 🙂 You and Billy Funk exemplified the meaning of “meaningful social interactions.” 🙂
Molly Mahoney you are amazing! Thanks for sharing. I watched a bit and will schedule time tomorrow to listen and take notes. Thanks! Thanks!
You two should co-host more often. You click!
This is the first time I’ve seen one of your lives…how have I not discovered you before??? ❤️
That happened to me
Jessica Jane Mancini
Jill Gilson interesting info in the comments about lives. Love ya ❤️
Thanks love bug! ❤️
Holy crap! This is THE. Best. Live. EVER. #ImDyingRightNow
Thank you! Haha! #pottybreak
Kids have the best timing! Love It!
I love you Molly!! <3
Hey Charly!!
Love you
Love your enthusiasm and energy!
Thank you so much Miyo!
Hi Molly Thank you for walking us through this.
Parker Marie
Look how many views yesterday!! I used to struggle to get 100
Megan Besler-Guerra
Bot! I really want to step up my game in this area. Thanks!
Hi Charlie OMG your kid is so darn cute! ??
OMG what happened.. I am dying here
Hi Charlie OMG your kid is so darn cute!
Would love to know what you’re using to add your overlay on a live video!
? late night for you…. early morning for me ?
late night for you…. early morning for me
How can i check if i have a personal fb pg or a business fb pg?
Hi Gloria, This is Molly’s assistant, Shanon. Molly can go into more detail, but if you never purposefully set up a business page, you will only have a personal page. On a business page you have the option to create a cover video, and you have “insights” that show up when you scroll down your timeline. Let us know if that helped and if not, I can have Moly step in.
It’s that I don’t think fb had the option of business pages when I set up my pg. But I have another fb pg under my name and this pg under my business name but I’ve never seen a business pg before so don’t know if there are any differences. But thx for responding appreciate it.
Personal moments that need is to connect…. connections to relationships! ❤️?
Yes! Potty Break
Personal moments that need is to connect…. connections to relationships!
Shawn O’Hara- Smith
Yolanda Moreno- Manning
Of course he wants to make money with Facebook. It’s a business!. A few years ago I saw some stats on how much it costs to run Facebook, all the computers, all the manpower. And for the most part it’s free! We’re away
Oops. Facebook ads, and going public, we’re away to finally recoup some of that money that it cost to run Facebook.
That takes courage. Big decision to do the right thing leading to stock drop
Hangouts on air started the whole personal broadcast era. But Google dropped The ball! Or maybe it was too early. Or
People just didn’t like Google plus maybe. Then came periscope. Then Facebook live. Amazing that every person now has an amplified voice!
Public figure pages should be treated the same is all I’m saying. They are not. Treated the same at all
U can only choose 5 see firsts.
U can block key words yes
“See first” is essentially what “interest list“ used to be!!
Yes, I think you can block certain keywords with many chat, to avoid trolls in your comments.