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Why most “Year Long” business plans fail… Let’s plan a No Fear Year that helps you to ACCOMPLISH your goals!

This might surprise you, but I’m going to beg you to STOP SETTING GOALS!

Ha! We’ll be getting super clear about this, in our free FbLive Support group… Elevate Your Awesome – join us!

Here’s a recap of the 5 big mistakes most business owners make when setting their goals!

Big shout outs to two of my fave biz coaches Todd Herman and Dana Corey!

1. Most business owners forget to review the year they are finishing! INSTEAD – Set aside time to review! – Make sure you recognize the AWESOME and see how you can get more of that in 2017. – AND make sure you recognize the difficult things from this year and see how you can learn from and shift the mistakes in 2017.

2. Most business owners forget that their LIFE is more important than their business. INSTEAD – Get those LIFE priorities in your calendar first.

3. Most business owners set too many goals. It’s impossible to multitask. Like… actually impossible! INSTEAD, pick ONE! ONE OBJECTIVE!! It will help you prioritize and make bigger accomplishments! If you want to check out my book, where I really dig into this here’s a link!

4. Most business owners set too long of a plan! If you are setting goals for the WHOLE year, it’s toooo much! You’ll have no sense of urgency and you won’t have mini wins along the way. INSTEAD, set 3 month goals!

5. Most business owners try to do it alone. Gahhhhh! Knock that off! Ha! Get support! Having a coach has CHANGED MY LIFE. So, reach out and find a coach! I’d love to chat if you are looking for someone! ; ) Or… join a support group, like our Elevate Your Awesome FbLive Support Group! Here’s a link to set up a strategy session with me : ) Yahoo! Get out and #elevateyourawesome #spreadjoy