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Let’s face it… sometimes, you have to get creative when it comes to building a business, especially as a solo or mostly “soloprenuer.”  For example last week, when I wanted to carry an end table to my car, but didn’t want to leave my coffee behind. I assessed my resources so, Coffee on table, table to car- BOOM- Problem solved. When it comes to building a business, sometimes it takes some creative problem solving! Lucky for you, I’ve done the creative thinking on your behalf.  I’m going to tell you 10 Unexpected Ways to Stand Out to Attract More Leads and Make More Sales,  so you can hit your crush 2019 goals and go into 2020 ahead of the game!

Ready? Here we go!

10 Unexpected Ways to Stand Out, Attract More Leads, And Make More Sales


#1 & 2. Optimize your personal page

Dude, so many people miss this. Use your personal page, that little section on the left, as your business card. When you’re optimizing your personal page, you want to have something in your cover photos that’s very human and personal, maybe family related, so that you’re not being a salesy weirdo. Then below that in this little info section, that is where you’re going to optimize your page for business success. Super easy to do. You just get in there, edit the info, say where you’re working, and connect it to the specific business page. Really, really awesome.

#3. Go to selfie town.

Every time you create a video, take selfies. You’re already camera ready. Take selfies. Keep them in a folder on your phone, or in a folder on your computer in Dropbox or on Google drives with your team can have access to them. Use some that you remove the background strategically, so you can use it for a thumbnail. You can use it for our graphic. Go to selfie town. My sister, Mary Pendleton, (@lovemarypendleton on instagram, follow her you won’t regret it) She said something so brilliant, which is, “When you are a business owner, when you signed up to be a business owner, you signed up to be a model.” So do it. Go to selfie town.

#4. Water the seeds of belief

If you want someone to purchase from you, there are certain things they need to believe about you, about your specific product, about themselves, and about the urgency; why it’s important to do this right now. There are things they need to believe about those four categories. You want to organize those four things into a beautiful marketing tree of beliefs so that your content can actually help to water those seeds and get them ready to purchase from you. They don’t know what you know, they don’t know what they don’t know. You’ve got to create content that teaches them the right thing so that they can actually say, “yes” to your offer.  This way there’s different “branches” in your marketing, that are going to have these monumental beliefs that they need to believe. You want to create a wealth of content that speaks to those beliefs. 

#5. Record “Tree” Videos

Take those beliefs and make them into videos!

#6. Tag shop items properly

This tip is specifically if you have a FB Shop. Tag items in your Facebook shop, in your Facebook posts and your Facebook videos. So if you create a shop, you can actually go and edit your post and tag the actual products. The cool thing is, that product will then travel with your posts wherever it is. It’s not like it goes into the description with a link, it is actually tagged like you would tag a person in your posts. So cool. Sometimes it’ll even create below your video, a little scrolling like QVC thing of your products. It is amazing. Do it. So many people aren’t using that option.

#7. Connect your Facebook group to your business page

I used to suggest not to do this, but I have changed my mind recently,  because there are so many options of really cool Ninja things you can do with your Facebook group if it’s connected to your business page.


#8. Repurpose and reuse your content

Don’t think that just because your content has already gone out there, that everyone has seen it. Chances are most people have not seen it, so repost and repurpose.  You can repurpose almost any video! When we do a video, Be.Live allows us to download,  So we download it, edit it, and we repurpose as much as possible. 

#9. Segment and engage

A lot of people end up not connecting with other humans because they get overwhelmed with the amount of people to connect with. Use friends lists, use different Facebook groups, use different strategies, tools. The Business Socializer is an awesome tool that allows you to segment your friends and your business pages that you want to connect with, into different categories and stuff. 

#10. Network for your page

Don’t only show up and connect as your personal account. Show up and connect as your business account. The only way I don’t suggest that you do this is in Facebook groups. I hate when people join my Facebook group as a business page because I want my Facebook group to be something where we’re connecting as humans. But on business pages, use your business page to connect.


We hope that these 10 Unexpected Ways to Stand Out, Attract More Leads, And Make More Sales, will help you to unlock your inner awesome and elevate it with the magic of live video and messenger automation. 


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